A shell script with a misleading name (it doesn't only do flac) that converts files to opus using ffmpeg
Convert audio files in directory to opus streams while maintaining metadata
Finds files recursively
usage: convert_flac_to_opus.sh [options]
-e list Extensions to convert as comma seperated list
Default: .flac
-d dir Directory to search
Default: .
-t num Number of ffmpeg processes started concurrently
Default: 1
-r Removes old files after conversion
-y Skip verification
-h Show this help
Extract UNSYNCEDLYRICS metadata from audio files and save them as txt files in the same location as the audio file.
usage: extract_lyrics.sh [options]
-d dir Directory containing the music files
-t list File types as a comma-separated list, e.g., mp3,flac,opus
-v Verbose mode (optional)
-h Show this help"
You want to write more of these god awful scripts? Feel free! Make a fork and add your script in the same vein (like video conversion) or extend my script, and then make a pull request
I drink copius amounts of coffee!