Nuvemshop react frontend native template for Native Apps


Welcome to the repository for the React Native interface of Nuvemshop initial native app templates. This repository serves as a submodule for specific app templates, providing a starting point for development.

Developer Resources

Here you will find essential resources to kickstart Nuvemshop native app development:

Configuring the project

To successfully integrate with our apis, it is necessary to make some settings in the .env environment variables file, for this it is necessary to rename the .env.example file to .env in the root of the frontend folder.

# Address where your api is running
VITE_API_URL= "http://localhost:8000/"
# You app id

Authenticating and configuring the project

To successfully authenticate and integrate your application, follow the instructions provided in the API configuration and authentication guide.


This repository is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT License. Be sure to review and comply with the license guidelines when using this code.