
Hook MGCopyAnswer + custom helper so user can spoof some keys

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

MGSpoofer (spoof MGCopyAnswer)

update log

0.0.3 (credit: @jakeashacks):

  • iOS 13 support
  • checkra1n fix
  • bug fix
  • allow SpringBoard


  • added randomize value button (follows same format as original)
  • fixed names of sections for key page
  • fixed "Reset Prefs" button to actually reset prefs
  • other small fixes/improvements


  • initial release


Q: What is this tweak?
A: for me it was a learning project but for you it's the ability to spoof device information (udid, serial number, etc..)

Q: What can I do with this tweak?
A: Evade bans from certain apps, mess with people, endless posibilities

Q: Where can I get this tweak:
A: repo

other info

  • update: github messed up indentation, idk why and not sure how to fix, let me know if you can help with that
  • feel free to make pull requests of any improvements


if you have any questions or anything, feel free to contact me

  • Twitter: @TonerK7