
A pure Lua uuid generator (modified from a Rackspace module)

Primary LanguageLua

Build Status


Modified module from Rackspace original. Generates uuids in pure Lua.


Please read documentation carefully regarding random seeds or unique strings to be provided to get a decent randomized uuid value.


Source code is on github

License & copyright

Rackspace (original) and Thijs Schreijer (modifications), Apache 2.0, see uuid.lua


Use LuaRocks. To fetch and install from a LuaRocks server do luarocks install uuid. For a development installation from local source, do luarocks make from the main directory.


Tests are available and can be executed using busted, and LuaCheck for linting.


0.3 11-Jul-2021

  • Fix: set proper type for UUIDv4 type
  • Feat: improve seeding for OpenResty
  • Doc: fix link in readme

0.2 09-May-2013

  • Bugfix; 0-hex was displayed as "" instead of "00", making some uuids too short
  • Bugfix; math.randomseed() overflow caused bad seeding

0.1 28-Apr-2013

  • initial version