
Quality Gate Status


  • Node (see .nvmrc for version used)
  • Running instance of tikweb-cms (local or prod, see section Configuring backend)

Running development server locally

Install dependencies

npm install

Start development server.

npm run develop

By default, the local development server is running at localhost:8000.

Configuring backend

By default, Gatsby will try to connect to Strapi at localhost:80. Copy .env.example to .env.development (for npm run develop) or .env.production (for npm run build) and put configuration options there.

You'll need to generate an API Token from Strapi's settings (not a JWT from the Users & Permissions plugin).

For a local Strapi setup, see the set up guide in the tikweb-cms repository, and use:

STRAPI_API_KEY=<api key here>

To connect to our production deployment of Strapi, use:

STRAPI_API_KEY=<api key here>


Gatsby currently uses Babel to transform TS into JS, which totally ignores typechecking. This is a bit unfortunate, but hopefully it will change someday. In order to check types properly:

  • Setup your editor to highlight type errors. VSCode will do this out of the box.
  • Consider running npm run type-check periodically, or even use it in watch mode: npm run type-check:watch.

Linting & Code style

Code style is defined by Prettier, which is ran through ESLint. In order to check for linting errors and code style, run npm run lint. In order to fix auto-fixable issues, use npm run lint:fix.

Consider using ESLint and Prettier plugins in your editor, with autoformatting on save enabled.

Adding pages

Pages can be added by adding a new file to src/pages. See:

  • Docs about routing, especially file system routing API.
  • Gatsby used to have createPage API before, nowadays it's not that needed if using the FS routing API. See this for context.


CI will deploy the main branch automatically. We store AZURE_CREDENTIALS in the GitHub repository secrets.

NOTE! Client secret will expire after 2 years. Refer to instructions in the infra repo for generating them.

Common issues

package-lock.json changes lockfile version when running npm i

  • run nvm use to install the Node/NPM version specified in .nvmrc