
information-theoretic asynchronous BFT

Primary LanguageGo

WaterBear Repository

Asynchronous fault-tolerant protocols for the following paper:

Haibin Zhang, Sisi Duan, Boxin Zhao, and Liehuang Zhu. "WaterBear: Practical Asynchronous BFT Matching Security Guarantees of Partially Synchronous BFT." Cryptology ePrint Archive (2022). https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/021

This repository implements five BFT protocols:

  • BEAT-Cobalt (BEAT0)
  • WaterBear-C (using Bracha's ABA and Cubic-RABA)
  • WaterBear-Q (using Bracha's ABA and Quadratic-RABA)
  • WaterBear-QS-C (using CT RBC and Cubic-RABA).
  • WaterBear-QS-Q (using CT RBC and Quadratic-RABA).

Different RBC modules are implemented under src/broadcast, and different ABA modules are implemented under src/aba. See the README files under each folder for details.


The codebase can only be compiled for x86 machines for now. The src/cryptolib/word/word_amd64.s needs to be changed to adapt to arm machines.

Configuration is under etc/conf.json

Change "consensus" to switch between the protocols. See note.txt for details.

Installation && How to run the code

Install dependencies

  • enter the directory and run the following commands
make all 
  • If you only need to update reomte github entries, run
make install 
  • If you only need to build again, run
make build
Launch the code
  • For all the servers, run the command below to start the servers. The [id] is configured in conf.json
        server [id]
  • Start a client
        client [id] 1 [batch]
  • [id] could be anything. [batch] is the batch size.
  • The default message is "abcdefg", one could change it by either editing src/main/client.go and compiling again, or run the following command
        client [id] [batch] [msg]
  • To run BEAT-Cobalt, generate keys for threshold PRF first
        keygen [n] [k]
  • [k] is set to f+1

How to deploy the Amazon EC2 experiment

  • Scripts are not included in this repository.