
  1. Please re-style the css to make it your own WITHOUT changing the HTML page
  2. Please go to the script.js file and read and follow the commented instructions
  3. Test your code as you go using console.log()
  4. Push the repo to your own GitHub
  5. Deploy the site
  6. Submit your repo link AND your deployed link to Adam AND Mimi

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Must have a working array with symbols, uppercase characters, lowercase characters, and numbers
  2. Must have a working for loop that returns a random password
  3. The password must show up on the site when button is pressed
  4. The password must be between 10 and 18 characters in length
  5. The site must be deployed
  6. Site must work correctly when demonstrating its functionality

Bonus instructions

  1. Add an alert asking the character limit the user would like to use with a limit of 50 or under.
  2. The alert should print the randomized password with the length specified by the user.

Bonus Acceptance Critera

  1. Must start with an alert requiring a character limit of 50 or under with input from user.
  2. If the user inputs over 50 characters, then there must be a second alert giving an error message.
  3. The alert should start over asking th euser to input their character limit after the error message.
  4. Number of characters in returned randomized password must reflect the length specified by user.