
Modify Sets of Image Data

Primary LanguagePython

Image Modifier

Modify Sets of Image Data


Cut out the whitespace of each image and save in the target directory.

$ python cut_out_blank_space.py [target directory path] [destination directory path]


Detect the edge of each image and save in the target directorty.

$ python detect_edge.py [target directory path] [destination directory path]


Remove the background of each image and save in the target directory.

$ python remove_bg.py [target directory path] [destination directory path]


Resize each image and save in the target directory.

$ python resize.py [target directory path] [destination directory path] [length of one side of the image to resize (pixel)]


Rename each file in order and save in the target directory.

$ python rename.py [target directory path] [destination directory path] [file name] [file extension] [Option: --shuffle (True or False)]

$ python rename.py ../images/test ../images/test-renamed img png --shuffle True

If the number of the files are 200, the outputs of the above example are like this: img_000.png, img_001.png, ..., img_200.png
If you set --shuffle True, the order of the files are shuffled before renaming (Default is False).


Change one color to another color in images and save in the target directory.

$ python fill_one_color.py [target directory path] [destination directory path] --from_color [red.green.blue] --to_color [red.green.blue]

e.g., If you want to change "white" to "gray"
$ python fill_one_color.py ./target/directory/path ./destination/directory/path --from_color 0.0.0 --to_color 128.128.128


Detect contours of the objects in images and save in the target directory.

$ python find_contours.py [target directory path] [destination directory path]