The rules of the game SamurAI Dig Here can found in the following files.
- English version: documents/rules.html
- Japanese version: documents/rules-jp.html
The manuals for the game manager are in the following files.
- English version: documents/manager.html
- Japanese version: documents/manager-jp.html
The manuals for the game log visualizer web page are in the following files.
- English version: documents/help.html
- Japanese version: documents/help-jp.html
Some potential game tactics are suggested in the following files.
- English version: documents/tactics.html
- Japanese version: documents/tactics-jp.html
- C++ development environment (compiler and standard libraries for c++11 or later)
- A web browser
The web browser is used to view the documents, to show replays of games, and also to edit game field configurations.
Issue the following in the top-level directory.
$ make all
This will make the following software.
- manager/manager Game management system
- players/simplePlayer A simple sample player AI
- players/randomPlayer A player with random plays
- players/timeoutPlayer A player that sometimes falls asleep
Issue the following in the top-level directory.
$ make testrun
This will play a game between two simple players and output a log in the file samples/testout.dighere.
Open the web page webpage/dighere.html with a web browser. Clicking the , a file selection dialog will pop up. Select the game log samples/testout.dighere, to load it. you can view the game by clicking the play button on screen top.
The manual for using the web page can be visited by clicking the button with a question mark icon on top right of the page.
- Takashi Chikayama - Initial version
This software is distributed under the MIT License - see the file for details
A part of the project (picojson) is licenced by Cybozu Labs, Inc. and Kazuho Oku. See manager/picojson.h for details.
Members of the Programming Contest Committee of Information Processing Society of Japan helped designing the game and testing the system, whose names are listed below.
- Committee Members: Tasuku Hiraishi (Director), Hironori Washizaki (Executive Advisor), Takashi Chikayama, Shingo Takada, Yuki Kobayashi Kazunori Sakamoto, Tetsuro Tanaka, Makoto Miwa, Kenta Cho, Tsutomu Terada, Kiyokuni Kawachiya, Noriko Fukasawa, Daisaku Yokoyama