Project Title

This repository hosts the files that comprise the Rails Camp homepage.

Environment Setup

This project uses RBenv to manage the ruby version and Jekyll to compile the static pages.

On OS X with BASH

brew update && brew install ruby-build rbenv # Installs rbenv and ruby-build
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)' >> ~/.bash_profile # Adds rbenv to bash profile
source ~/.bash_profile # Load the profile for the current session
rbenv install 2.5.3
gem install bundler -v 1.17.3
rbenv rehash # Updates the bin stubs for the project
bundle install

Running the server locally

bundle exec jekyll serve

Running the Tests

No tests. YOLO. Please review your updates manually.


If you have access to this repo you can contribute.

Deploying the Code

Code automatically deploys on merge to master.


Tracked on Github


All rights reserved.