
my jank setup

Primary LanguageLua

Tiger's Dotfiles

not really setup for others to install very easily, but have a peek if you'd like

What I'm Using

  • Window Manager: dwm (custom status bar + various patches)
  • Compositor: picom
  • Screen Lock: slock (dwm logo patch)
  • Terminal: st (siduck)
  • Editor: nvim (NvChad config)
  • Display Manager: ly
  • Font: DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font


theme toggled with ALT+R, top or bottom bar set in dwm config.h


Vague Install Guide

  • install picom, feh, nvim (and xsel for clipboard support), pulseaudio or pipewire(w/ pulseaudio support), and ly
  • clone this repo into the ~/.config folder and cd into it
  • rm -rf nvim/lua/custom && ln -s ../../nvcustom nvim/lua/custom
  • ln -s dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim
  • replace NotoColorEmoji:pixelsize=10 with DejaVuSansM Nerd Font:pixelsize=12 in st/config.h
  • change status and theme script path in dwm-flexipatch/config.h in the commands section
  • make install st and dwm-flexipatch from this repo
  • patch and install dmenu and slock using the patches and configs under patches/ and *.config.h
  • cp dwm.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/
  • cp slock@.service /etc/systemd/system/ && sudo systemctl enable slock@[user] && sudo systemctl start slock@[user]
  • block VT switching and prevent killing X