
Async UPnP Client for Python

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Async UPnP Client

Asyncio UPnP Client library for Python/asyncio.

Written initially for use in Home Assistant to drive DLNA DMR-capable devices, but useful for other projects as well.







General set up

The UPnP Device Architecture document contains several sections describing different parts of the UPnP standard. These chapters/sections can mostly be mapped to the following modules:

  • Chapter 1 Discovery
    • Section 1.1 SSDP: async_upnp_client.ssdp
    • Section 1.2 Advertisement: async_upnp_client.advertisement provides basic functionality to receive advertisements.
    • Section 1.3 Search: async_upnp_client.search provides basic functionality to do search requests and gather the responses.
    • async_upnp_client.ssdp_client contains the SsdpListener which combines advertisements and search to get the known devices and provides callbacks on changes. It is meant as something which runs continuously to provide useful information about the SSDP-active devices.
  • Chapter 2 Description / Chapter 3 Control
    • async_upnp_client.client_factory/async_upnp_client.client provide a series of classes to get information about the device/services using the 'description', and interact with these devices.
  • Chapter 4 Eventing
    • async_upnp_client.event_handler provides functionality to handle events received from the device.

There are several 'profiles' which a device can implement to provide a standard interface to talk to. Some of these profiles are added to this library. The following profiles are currently available:

  • Internet Gateway Device (IGD)
    • async_upnp_client.profiles.igd
  • Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)
    • async_upnp_client.profiles.dlna
  • Printers
    • async_upnp_client.profiles.printer

For examples on how to use async_upnp_client, see examples/ .

Note that this library is most likely does not fully implement all functionality from the UPnP Device Architecture document and/or contains errors/bugs/mis-interpretations.




Development is done on the development branch.

pre-commit is used to run several checks before committing. You can install pre-commit and the git-hook by doing:

$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit --install


Steps for releasing:

  • Switch to master: git checkout master
  • Merge development to master: git merge development
  • Update setup.py and CHANGES.rst to set version and commit: git add setup.py CHANGES.rst && git commit -m "Releasing <version>"
  • Tag release: git tag <version>
  • Checkout tag: git checkout <version>
  • Build: rm -rf build dist && python setup.py build sdist
  • Upload using twine: twine upload dist/*
  • Switch to development: git checkout development
  • Merge master to development: git merge master
  • Update setup.py and CHANGES.rst to set version and commit git add setup.py CHANGES.rst && git commit -m "Continuing development"
  • Push to github: git push --all && git push --tags


To do profiling it is recommended to install pytest-profiling. Then run a test with profiling enabled, and write the results to a graph:

# Run tests with profiling and svg-output enabled. This will generate `prof/*.prof` files, and a svg file.
$ pytest --profile-svg -k test_case_insensitive_dict_profile

# Open generated SVG file.
$ xdg-open prof/combined.svg

Alternatively, you can generate a profiling data file, use pyprof2calltree to convert the data and open kcachegrind. For example:

# Run tests with profiling enabled, this will generate `prof/*.prof` files.
$ pytest --profile -k test_case_insensitive_dict_profile

$ pyprof2calltree -i prof/combined.prof -k
launching kcachegrind


A command line interface is provided via the upnp-client script. This script can be used to:

  • call an action
  • subscribe to services and listen for events
  • show UPnP traffic (--debug-traffic) from and to the device
  • show pretty printed JSON (--pprint) for human readability
  • search for devices
  • listen for advertisements

The output of the script is a single line of JSON for each action-call or subscription-event. See the programs help for more information.

An example of calling an action:

$ upnp-client --pprint call-action RC/GetVolume InstanceID=0 Channel=Master
    "timestamp": 1531482271.5603056,
    "service_id": "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl",
    "service_type": "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1",
    "action": "GetVolume",
    "in_parameters": {
        "InstanceID": 0,
        "Channel": "Master"
    "out_parameters": {
        "CurrentVolume": 70

An example of subscribing to all services, note that the program stays running until you stop it (ctrl-c):

$ upnp-client --pprint subscribe \*
    "timestamp": 1531482518.3663802,
    "service_id": "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl",
    "service_type": "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1",
    "state_variables": {
        "LastChange": "<Event xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/AVT_RCS\">\n<InstanceID val=\"0\">\n<Mute channel=\"Master\" val=\"0\"/>\n<Volume channel=\"Master\" val=\"70\"/>\n</InstanceID>\n</Event>\n"
    "timestamp": 1531482518.366804,
    "service_id": "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl",
    "service_type": "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1",
    "state_variables": {
        "Mute": false,
        "Volume": 70

You can subscribe to list of services by providing these names or abbreviated names, such as:

$ upnp-client --pprint subscribe RC AVTransport

An example of searching for devices:

$ upnp-client --pprint search
    "Cache-Control": "max-age=3600",
    "Date": "Sat, 27 Oct 2018 10:43:42 GMT",
    "EXT": "",
    "Location": "",
    "OPT": "\"http://schemas.upnp.org/upnp/1/0/\"; ns=01",
    "01-NLS": "906ad736-cfc4-11e8-9c22-8bb67c653324",
    "Server": "Linux/4.14.26+, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.20.jfd5",
    "X-User-Agent": "redsonic",
    "ST": "upnp:rootdevice",
    "USN": "uuid:e3a17dd5-9d85-3131-3c34-b827eb498d72::upnp:rootdevice",
    "_timestamp": "2018-10-27 12:43:09.125408",
    "_host": "",
    "_port": 49152
    "_udn": "uuid:e3a17dd5-9d85-3131-3c34-b827eb498d72",
    "_source": "search"

An example of listening for advertisements, note that the program stays running until you stop it (ctrl-c):

$ upnp-client --pprint advertisements
    "Host": "",
    "Cache-Control": "max-age=30",
    "Location": "",
    "NTS": "ssdp:alive",
    "Server": "POSIX, UPnP/1.0 UPnP Stack/2013.4.3.0",
    "NT": "urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1",
    "USN": "uuid:99cb221c-1f15-c620-dc29-395f415623c6::urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1",
    "_timestamp": "2018-12-23 11:22:47.154293",
    "_host": "",
    "_port": 1900
    "_udn": "uuid:99cb221c-1f15-c620-dc29-395f415623c6",
    "_source": "advertisement"