
A Multi-Modal Single-Branch Embedding Network for Recommendation in Cold-Start and Missing Modality Scenarios

Primary LanguagePython

SiBraR - A Multi-Modal Single-Branch Embedding Network for Recommendation in Cold-Start and Missing Modality Scenarios

This repository accompanies our corresponding RecSys2024 submission A Multi-Modal Single-Branch Embedding Network for Recommendation in Cold-Start and Missing Modality Scenarios. You can find our paper here, as well as additional resources on our website.

Originally, this repository is a fork of the Hassaku framework, extended and refactored to support the training and evaluation of content-based recommender systems for cold-start scenarios.

Table of Content

Before you start

Please note that we use different names for the algorithms mentioned and experiemented with in the paper, than we use here in the code. While different, they still function the same way as described in their respective publications. Thus, here is a list of algorithm names and their shorthands:

Algorithm name (paper) Algorithm shorthand (code) Algorithm class (code) Source file
$SiBraR$ SBNet SingleBranchNet algorithms/sgd_alg.py
$CLCRec$ (depending on whether we use user or item side-information)
IFMF ItemFeatureMatrixFactorization algorithms/sgd_alg.py
UFMF UserFeatureMatrixFactorization algorithms/sgd_alg.py
$DropoutNet$ DropoutNet DropoutNet algorithms/sgd_alg.py
$MF$ MF SGDMatrixFactorization algorithms/sgd_alg.py
$DeepMF$ DMF DeepMatrixFactorization algorithms/sgd_alg.py
$Pop$ Pop PopularItems algorithms/naive_algs.py
$Rand$ Rand RandomItems algorithms/naive_algs.py


  1. Clone the repo git clone <this-repo-url>
  2. Move into repository cd SiBraR---Single-Branch-Recommender
  3. Update your conda installation
    1. conda install python=3.10
    2. conda update conda
    3. conda config --set solver libmamba
  4. Install the environment with all its requirements conda env create --file=environment.yml
  5. Activate the environment conda activate hassaku
  6. Install Hassaku framework python -m pip install -e .


The following commands assume that the conda environment is already activated (conda activate hassaku).

Retrieving the datasets

This framework supports 3 different, publicly available datasets (Onion18, ML-1M and AmazonVideo2024). For more information, we wish to refer you to our paper. For each dataset, there is an individual directory data/<dataset-name>, which contains all config files for this dataset. Moreover, it contains a script <dataset-name>_preprocessor.py or <dataset-name>_downloader to download the dataset.

For the onion18 dataset, you have to execute the following

python data/onion/onion1mon_downloader.py \
--zenodo_access_token <your-zenodo-access-token> \ 
--config_file "data/onion/download_config.yaml" \
--save_path <your-data-storage-location> \
--year 2018

For the ml-1m dataset, please execute

python data/ml1m/movielens1m_downloader.py \
--config_file data/ml1m/download_config.yaml 
--save_path <your-data-storage-location>/ml-1m

Once downloaded, please follow the instructions in data_paths.py to update where your datasets are stored. There, you can also configure where to store the results of your experiments.

Additional features

In case you want to use non-standard features of the different datasets, please check out all the other scripts in the data folders.

MovieLens-1M plots

To get the movie plots for MovieLens-1M, download the processed files from here and place them in <your-data-storage-location>/ml-1m/processed_dataset.

You can also obtain the files by executing the following:

python data/ml1m/movielens1m_plot_downloader.py

which will (1) crawl Wikipedia for the plots and (2) embed them with MPNet.

Preprocess the datasets

Once a dataset is downloaded, you can start its preprocession. Check out data/preprocess_dataset.py for more information:

usage: preprocess_dataset.py [-h] --config_file CONFIG_FILE [--data_path DATA_PATH] [--split_path SPLIT_PATH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config_file CONFIG_FILE, -c CONFIG_FILE
                        .yaml configuration file defining the preprocessing
  --data_path DATA_PATH, -d DATA_PATH
                        The path where the data is stored
  --split_path SPLIT_PATH, -s SPLIT_PATH
                        The path where to store the split data to. If not specified, it will default to

Example call for MovieLens-1M random split

python data/preprocess_dataset.py \
--config_file data/ml1m/split_config_random.yaml \
--data_path datasets/ml-1m/processed_dataset


Run a single experiment

For running a single experiment, simply select one of the configs provided in conf/single/algorithms or create your own config file and run it:

Verify installation

To verify your installation, let us run simple Pop and SiBraR recommenders with the following:

# Pop recommender
python run_experiment.py \
--algorithm pop \
--dataset ml1m \
--split_type random \
--conf_path conf/single/algorithms/1_pop_ml1m_conf.yml

# SiBraR recommender ('sbnet' in code)
python run_experiment.py 
--algorithm sbnet 
--dataset ml1m 
--split_type random 
--conf_path conf/single/algorithms/sbnet_ml1m_conf.yml

W&B Logging

If you want to log your experiments to Weights and Biases, you need to specify so in the configs by setting use_wandb: true in base_settings.yml or in specific config files. Moreover, you need to

  1. login into wandb wandb login
  2. edit wandb_conf.py to configure to which project and entity to log to

Full description

Here is the full description on the experiment script, which you can call to run a single experiment.

usage: run_experiment.py [-h]
                         [--algorithm {uknn,iknn,ifknn,mf,ifeatmf,sgdbias,pop,rand,rbmf,uprotomf,iprotomf,uiprotomf,acf,svd,als,p3alpha,ease,slim,uprotomfs,iprotomfs,uiprotomfs,ecf,dmf,dropoutnet,sbnet,ufeatmf}]
                         [--dataset {ml100k,ml1m,ml10m,amazonvid2018,lfm2b2020,deliveryherosg,onion,onion18,onion18g,kuai,amazonvid2024}]
                         [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH]
                         [--split_type {random,temporal,cold_start_user,cold_start_item,cold_start_both}]
                         [--conf_path CONF_PATH] [--run_type {train_val,test,train_val_test,gather}]

Start an experiment

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --algorithm {uknn,iknn,ifknn,mf,ifeatmf,sgdbias,pop,rand,rbmf,uprotomf,iprotomf,uiprotomf,acf,svd,als,p3alpha,ease,slim,uprotomfs,iprotomfs,uiprotomfs,ecf,dmf,dropoutnet,sbnet,ufeatmf}, -a {uknn,iknn,ifknn,mf,ifeatmf,sgdbias,pop,rand,rbmf,uprotomf,iprotomf,uiprotomf,acf,svd,als,p3alpha,ease,slim,uprotomfs,iprotomfs,uiprotomfs,ecf,dmf,dropoutnet,sbnet,ufeatmf}
                        Recommender Systems Algorithm
  --dataset {ml100k,ml1m,ml10m,amazonvid2018,lfm2b2020,deliveryherosg,onion,onion18,onion18g,kuai,amazonvid2024}, -d {ml100k,ml1m,ml10m,amazonvid2018,lfm2b2020,deliveryherosg,onion,onion18,onion18g,kuai,amazonvid2024}
                        Recommender Systems Dataset
  --dataset_path DATASET_PATH, -p DATASET_PATH
                        The path to the dataset in case it is not located in the regular directory. All required data
                        must be placed directly in the root of this directory.
  --split_type {random,temporal,cold_start_user,cold_start_item,cold_start_both}, -s {random,temporal,cold_start_user,cold_start_item,cold_start_both}
                        Which dataset split to use
  --conf_path CONF_PATH, -c CONF_PATH
                        Path to the .yml containing the configuration
  --run_type {train_val,test,train_val_test,gather}, -t {train_val,test,train_val_test,gather}
                        Type of experiment to carry out

Note that while other datasets are also visible, they are not yet supported due to the extensive changes to the framework.

Run a sweep

For sweeping, you need to have a Weights and Biases account. You can then run any of the provided config files* in the conf/sweeps directory:

  1. Start the sweep: wandb sweep <your-sweep-config>
  2. Start the sweep agent(s):
    1. wandb agent {sweep_id from the previous step}
    2. or to run multiple agents in parallel, see run_agent.py:
usage: run_agent.py [-h] [--sweep_id SWEEP_ID] [--gpus GPUS] [--n_parallel N_PARALLEL]

Start an experiment

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sweep_id SWEEP_ID, -s SWEEP_ID
                        The W&B sweep id used to start the agents.
  --gpus GPUS, -g GPUS  Which GPUs to use for running agents on. This will internally set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
  --n_parallel N_PARALLEL, -p N_PARALLEL
                        The number of agents to run in parallel on each GPU

*Although there are lots of configs defined, due to inplace modification of them, they are by far not an exhaustive list of the experiments that we performed!


Please cite us the following way

    title = {A Multimodal Single-Branch Embedding Network for Recommendation in Cold-Start and Missing Modality Scenarios},
    author = {Ganhör, Christian and Moscati, Marta and Hausberger, Anna and Nawaz, Shah and Schedl, Markus},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3640457.3688138},
    doi = {10.1145/3640457.3688138},
    pages = {380–390},
    location = {Bari, Italy},
    year = {2024}