
A self-hosted Torznab API for the RARBG backup, compatible with Prowlarr, Radarr, Sonarr etc.

Primary LanguageGo

RARBG selfhosted

Currently consists of a Torznab API that can be used with the Servarr stack.

This is pretty basic at the moment and unfinished in places, but it basically works (tested in Prowlarr, Radarr and Sonarr), I might embellish it if there's any interest. If you'd like to open a PR then even better!

Quick start

  • Obtain a copy of the RARBG SQLite database, I can't help you with that but it's floating around!
  • Adapt the following docker-compose.yml file to your needs. At a minimum you'll need to point the /rarbg_db.sqlite volume to the path of your SQLite file, and ensure this container is running in the same Docker network as your Servarr stack containers:
version: "3.7"
    container_name: rarbg-selfhosted
    image: "ghcr.io/mgdigital/rarbg-selfhosted:latest"
#    environment:
#      - "PATH_SQLITE_DB=/rarbg_db.sqlite" (optional, this is the default value)
#      - "PATH_TRACKERS=/trackers.txt" (optional, this is the default value)
#      - "DEBUG=1" (optional, useful for troubleshooting)
      - "/path/to/rarbg_db.sqlite:/rarbg_db.sqlite"
      - "3333:3333"
    restart: unless-stopped
  • Run docker-compose up -d.
  • The torznab endpoint is now exposed on port 3333 under the path /torznab.
  • In Prowlarr, Radarr or Sonarr, you can now add RARBG as a Generic Torznab indexer.

Alternatively, start the container using docker run:

docker run -v /path/to/rarbg_db.sqlite:/rarbg_db.sqlite -p 3333:3333 ghcr.io/mgdigital/rarbg-selfhosted:latest

Or, install GoLang, clone this repo and run directly:

PATH_SQLITE_DB=/path/to/rarbg_db.sqlite go run .