
GW ACM git and command line workshop held in Spring 2019


Lead by @samsaranc, @melodyxlee, Jennifer Wright, Linnea Dierksheide, and @RishirajKanugo

This repository goes along with the Git + Command Line workshop. See our Git cheatsheet/workflows and our Command Line cheatsheet for full syntax details and information.

How to fork this repository and submit a Pull Request (PR)

For more details, take a look at this guide

  1. Fork this repository to your own account by clicking the button near the top-right of this page.

  2. Clone that repository onto your local machine by running git clone https://github.com/<Your GitHub Username>/git-linux-2018.git in the terminal

  3. Enter the project directory (cd git-linux-2018)

  4. Make your changes (use vim to make a .txt file with your name vim myname.txt)

  5. Add and commit your changes (git add myname.txt and git commit -m "<descriptive message>")

  6. Push your changes to your fork on GitHub (git push)

  7. Submit a pull request to this repository to get your changed merged in

  8. Listen to and incorporate feedback from maintainers who review your pull request. When they're ready, they'll merge the changes

Congratulations! You have now contributed code to an open source project over GitHub!