Sparse matrix multiplication on polymorphic semiring with NVIDIA CUDA backend implemented with AnyDSL Artic

The algorithm splts the left matrix operand into submatricies that contain no more than warp_size elements per row. Each warp then multiplies its own row by every row of the right operand. Inspired by GPU-Accelerated Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication by Iterative Row Merging

Repository structure

├── artic                           # Artic AnyDSL frontend code for sparse spgemm
|   ├──                  # all the code for it, `main` function contains APSP example
|   ├── ...               
├── build                           # convenient directory to place build files
├── cpp                             # CUDA and Impala implementation with exported wrappers to help Artic
|   ├── test_matrix_market.cpp      # playground file with APSP example
|   ├── ...   
├── include                         # include headers
│    ├── csr_wrapper.h               # C++ wrappers for csr operations, containing CUDA, Impala, CUSPARSE, Suitesparse, IntelMKL spGEMMs
├── matrix_data                     # test data in `matrix_market` format
├── matrix_reader                   # `matrix_market` reader submodule
├── test                            # test folder
├──                # script to convert `integer` matrix_market to `real`
└──                       # this README

Brief spGEMM overview

spGEMM multiplies two sparse matricies with A and B being the left and right operands repsectively. The result of mxm multiplication is a matrix which i-th row is a linear combination of the all the rows of the right operand with elements of the i-th row of the left operand. Given that, the algorithm first precomputes the upper bound of non-zero values of the result. In general, i-th CUDA warp operates with i-th row of the left operand (i.e. each row should contain less than non-zero 32 elements, this restriction could be satisfied by spliting a single spGEMM into a chain of such multipication where left operand satisfies the restriction). preproseccRows function calculates the length of each prospective row of the resulting matrix, populating csr_offsets device array with is then gets prefix-summed with thrust. The multiplication itsellf is performed in a similar way. The illustation could be seen in the figure which has been taken from the paper.

Image of Yaktocat

Artic spGEMM on semiring to do APSP algorithm

struct CSR [T] {
    N : u32, //cols
    M : u32, //rows
    nnz : u32, //number of nonzero elements
    values : &mut[T], //row-major
    cols : &mut[u32],
    row_index : &mut[u32]

struct Semiring [T] {
    zero : T,
    one : T,
    plus : fn(T,T) -> T,
    multiply : fn(T,T) -> T
fn main() -> i32{

    let csrA = read_csr_f32("/home/alexey.tyurin/specialization/impala-worksheet/sparse/matrix_data/apsp/input");
    let s_mult_plus = Semiring[f32] {zero = 0.0:f32, one = 1.0:f32, plus = |x,y| x + y, multiply = |x,y| x * y };
    let inf = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.0:f32; // this overflows to infinity;
    // MIN + semiring could be composed of first-class functions
    let s_min_plus = Semiring[f32] {zero = inf, one = 1.0:f32, plus = |x, y| if x <= y {x} else {y}, multiply = |x,y| x + y};

    //apsp body
    let m = csrA.M as i32;
    let mut i = 1;
    let mut res : &CSR[f32] = &csrA; 

    while(i < m - 1) {
        let res_squared = spGEMM[f32](res,res,s_min_plus); //spGEMM is computed on the GPU
        res = &res_squared;
        i = i + 1;



Currently the type for matrix entries should be straightfuly understood by cuda_memcpy and be available in CUDA as well. So arbitrary structure could be used as long as it conforms to memcpy semantics and has a corresponing csr reader to represent a matrix with such entries.

Build instructions

Works on Ubuntu 20.04, and CMAKE files could give a brief idea about the dependencies needed.