
A kubectl plugin to deploy and manage your kata-containers

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

kata kubectl

A kubectl plugin to deploy and manage your kata-containers

Quick Start

krew installation

foo@bar:~$ kubectl krew install kata
foo@bar:~$ kubectl kata --help

manual installation

foo@bar:~$ make bin
foo@bar:~$ sudo cp ./bin/kata /usr/local/bin


Kata deploy

foo@bar:~$ kubectl kata deploy

INFO[0000] create kata-rbac                             
INFO[0000] create kata-deploy                           
INFO[0003] create kata-runtimeclass
INFO[0003] ready to go now

Config debug console

foo@bar:~$ kubectl kata config --debug_console=true

Enter the vm

foo@bar:~$ kubectl kata exec -p POD_NAME -n NAMESPACE

exec called
INFO[0000] validate pod                                 
INFO[0000] Run
root@clr-5c727e5476d44f809dc5680f8fc06ebb / # 
root@clr-5c727e5476d44f809dc5680f8fc06ebb / # ls
autofs  boot  etc   lib    lost+found  mnt   root  sbin  sys  usr
bin     dev   home  lib64  media       proc  run   srv   tmp  var

Clean up kata

foo@bar:~$ kubectl kata delete

INFO[0000] delete kata-deploy                           
INFO[0031] create kubelet-kata-cleanup                  
INFO[0034] exec cleanup                                 
node/ap-southeast- unlabeled
INFO[0035] delete kubelet-kata-cleanup                  
INFO[0078] delete kata-rbac                             
INFO[0078] delete kata-runtimeclass