- 0
- 0
Package upload failed, check you have lambda:UpdateFunctionCode permissions and that your package is not too big to upload.
#119 opened by atishpatel - 0
AWS_PROFILE isn't respected by deploy
#114 opened by jarwol - 0
deployment issue with arn and missing region option
#113 opened by wiulma - 1
Hang on deploy
#112 opened by humanatwork - 8
Unable to deploy
#38 opened by ZenW00kie - 0
- 0
Controlling compression level
#110 opened by carlthome - 0
Exclude Test Cases?
#109 opened by blueshirts - 1
Missing required key 'FunctionName' in params
#84 opened by benbowler - 5
Can't seem to authenticate
#91 opened by thestumonkey - 8
Issue with deployment
#73 opened by kittrCZ - 2
How to set runtime in lambda_deploy?
#105 opened by samstrickler - 0
Alexa skills for lambda package
#100 opened by giridhari1 - 1
Packaging Linked Node Modules
#99 opened by marjanSterjev - 0
Support environment variables
#97 opened by teddynewell - 0
- 1
- 3
- 2
node_modules missing from zip file
#86 opened by yuvalselffer - 3
- 0
- 1
Create not existing function
#69 opened by atzbert - 1
- 4
[Feature request] Support Lambda Node.js 4.32
#77 opened by agarstang - 0
- 0
#79 opened by RudolfVonKrugstein - 0
- 0
[Feature request] Allow deploy only if changed.
#75 opened by vidia - 6
Native extensions aren't being compiled
#35 opened by kevinreedy - 2
- 1
lambda_deploy.<something>.options.handler ignored
#65 opened by toburn - 1
Versioning support
#44 opened by timdp - 5
Need check for archive size before upload
#49 opened by zoellner - 5
Error in lambda_package.js
#39 opened by shawlz - 2
Update aws-sdk dependency
#41 opened by thedevkit - 3
- 4
- 1
- 8
question: why do you need bundledDependencies ?
#31 opened by hatimkhan - 2
- 1
- 3
Support handler in lambda-deploy
#33 opened by flyingsky - 1
- 2
Unable to deploy using hardcoded credentials
#57 opened by KingNoosh - 3
Exclusion feature
#29 opened by ajagnanan - 1
Finding bundledDependencies
#32 opened by tinkyholloway - 4
Fatal error in v8
#36 opened by objectiveSee - 1
Include config/ in deploy
#37 opened by objectiveSee - 2
lambda_invoke swallows error stacktrace
#30 opened by shin-nien