
This application zips up Visual Studio Projects and Solutions without unnecessary files/folders like the bin and obj directories.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

VSZipper App

This application zips up Visual Studio Projects and Solutions without unnecessary files/folders like the bin and obj directories.

Installation Instructions

You will need to build the project to create an exe at this point. In the project directory, run this command at the command line:

dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true --self-contained true

Take the generated exe and place it in the directory where you want the Visual Studio solution zipped up. Double-click the file to execute it.

Current Features

  • Zips up a directory and all sub-directories
  • Excludes hidden folders and files
  • Excludes files and folders I specify (bin/obj/etc.)


  • Automated build of the self-contained exe file on commit.
  • Use of a new zip file name if the current one already exists.
  • A dynamic set of exclusions instead of hard-coding them.
  • Make use of the .gitignore file to exclude files and folders.

Possible Ideas

  • Allow for rename of zip file during creation.
  • Show up on the right-click menu.
  • Visual Studio extension