In this project, I analyzed real disaster data provided by Figure Eight to build a model for an API that classifies disaster messages. I created a machine learning pipeline to categorize disaster events so that a users can have their messages sent to an appropriate disaster relief agency.
Run the following command in the app's directory to run your web app.
Next, go to
• – This Python file contains the following steps:
• Initializes a flask app
• Tokenizes and normalizes text
• Loads data from a database
• Loads a model from “Train_classifer”
• Returns a website that displays model results
• Template Folder – contains the html files
• Go.html – contains html code for master.html
• Master.html – allows users to enter messages that are then automatically classified
• Process_data – This Python file contains the following steps:
• Loads csv data containing category and messages data
• Cleans the data by splitting the category field and dropping duplicates
• Saves that data into a database.
• DisasterResponse.db – this database fie contains the clean data processed in “”
• Disaster_categories.csv – this text file contains a column with concatenates category names
• Disaster_messages.csv – this text file contains messages typed by disaster victims
• Train_classifer – This Python file contains the following steps:
• Tokenizes disaster message text, normalizes that text to lower case, and removes stop words
• Builds an Adaboost model that uses grid search to optimize it’s hyperparameters
• Evaluates the model and predicts the categories of messages
• The trained model is saved as “pickle” into the file