
Replace buzzer in microwave oven with Windows XP startup sound http://tim.gremalm.se/%C2%B5mute-a-microwave-oven-silencer/

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Replace buzzer in microwave oven with Windows XP startup sound http://tim.gremalm.se/%C2%B5mute-a-microwave-oven-silencer/

You need this repository cloned to your PC: https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile

Follow its installation instructions and then edit this project's Makefile so that path to Arduino.mk is correct.

Then clone this: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/FreqCount and move it to your Arduino IDE /libraries folder.

Connect the buzzer output to pin 5, speaker amplifier input to pin 11 and enjoy your sound, whichever one you upload!