A collection of Best Practices for Ansible projects in MkDocs, published to Github pages and Github Container Registry.
docker pull ghcr.io/timgrt/ansible-best-practices:latest
Start a container from the image, the webserver is available at Port 8080:
docker run -d -p 8080:80/tcp --name best-practice-guide ghcr.io/timgrt/ansible-best-practices:latest
The project contains the source files for an MkDocs project, a Dockerfile is provided which bundles all requirements and displays the resulting content in a webserver.
Clone the project and change into the base directory, afterwards build the image:
docker build -t best-practice-guide .
Start a container from the image, the webserver is available at Port 8080:
docker run -d -p 8080:80/tcp --name ansible-guide best-practice-guide
We document our Coding Guidelines in the Contributing Guidelines, this document also includes instructions on how the setup a development environment.