Premier League Data

This repository contains data on matches in the English Premier League between the 1992/93 and 2019/20 seasons.

The data has been scraped from the Premier League's official website and manipulated into a tabular format.

The data

Raw data in for every game in JSON format can be found in data/games/. The processed data includes:

matches.csv - Metadata about each match. Columns are as follows:

Column Description
match_id Premier league match id e.g.{match_id}
season Premier league season
game_week Gameweek, an integer between 1 and 41
kickoff Date and time of match kickoff
home Home team name
home_id Premier league home team id e.g.{home_id}
home_score Home team score
home_ht_score Home team half-time score
away Away team name
away_id Premier league away team id, as above
away_score Away team score
away_ht_score Away team half-time score
ground_id Premier league ground id
ground_name Ground name e.g. Old Trafford
ground_city Ground city e.g. Manchester
referee_id Premier league referee id
referee_name Referee name
behind_closed_doors Boolean. Was game played behind closed doors?

teams.csv - Matchday squads for games. Joins to matches.csv on match_id. Note that this data looks to be slightly spotty in terms of reliability.

Column Description
match_id Premier league match id, as above
team_id Premier league team id, as above
field Specifies whether this was the home or the away team
type Either starting11 or substitute
player_id Premier league player id e.g.{player_id}
player_name Player name
position Match position
shirt_no Shirt number
captain Boolean, was player captain for team
nationality Nationality
birth_date Birth date in YYYY-MM-DD format

events.csv - Events in game. These include goals, cards, substitutes etc. Again, Joins to matches.csv on match_id and to teams.csv by player_id and/or assist_id

value description
match_id Premier league match id, as above
half Integer, indicating first or second half
event_type see below
event_desc see below
team_id Premier league match id, as above
player_id Premier league player id, as above
player_name Player name
assist_id Where goal was assisted, Premier league player id
assist_name Where goal was assisted, player name
minute Time of event in minuteds, in mm'ss format (although seconds are redundant)
seconds Tim of event in seconds

event_type - Can be one of Play Start or Play End, at the start and end of each half, Booking for yellow and red cards, Substitution for subs in an out Goal, Own-Goal and Penalty Scored for goals, and Penalty Saved or Penalty Missed.

event_description is very similar, but carries an extra level of detail for subs in and out and card types: yellow, red or second yellow.


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Top assisters