
Geiger counter module for analog synthesizers

Geiger Counter Module

This is a fun little synthesizer module which generates decaying pulses of variable length based on a Geiger counter. Every ionising particle detected by the counter generates a pulse, meaning that this module can be used as a random event generator. Or, you could play it with anything slightly radioactive, like.. a banana!

The Geiger counter used for this project can be found (among other stores) here. Its documentation is linked to in this repository.

The small circuit shown in the schematic interfaces the Geiger counter with the sequencer. It powers the Geiger counter through a 5v regulator. The pulses generated by the counter are cleaned-up and inverted, and a decaying envelope generator was added. It's a small circuit which can easily be build on your protoboard of choice. An example is shown in the build photos.


All designs in this repository are released under GPL-3.0 licence. Feel free to use and adapt them to your heart's desire. I only ask to refrain from mass-production and commercialisation of PCBs/modules, as I rely on PCB sales for funding new module designs. If you use (parts of) my designs in your own modules, please credit me on your schematics and PCBs to help users find the original creator. I call upon your good conscience to make fair use of my work shared here.


If you like the resources I have made available here, and wish to support the development of new modules, feel free to buy me a few components through a small donation. I mainly design modules for fun, but you probably already know it can be a costly endeavour. All small contributions help me, thank you very much!
