
Generate colorful and temporarily identifiable SVGs with unique urls.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generate colorful and temporarily identifiable SVGs with unique urls.

<!-- A random svg  -->
<img src="https://reptiles.dev/svg " />

<!-- A temporarily identifiable random svg with key 123 or any key of your choosing.  -->
<img src="https://reptiles.dev/123" />

💻 Website · 🔗 Random SVG · 🛝 GraphQL Playground


Get a random image: reptiles.dev/svg

Get a temporarily identifiable random image: reptiles.dev/123 or reptiles.dev/svg?key=123

Customize generated image: reptiles.dev/svg?hue=green&luminosity=dark&size=20

Visit reptiles.dev to use a UI to customize generated images and view available options.

Alternatively use the GraphQL playground and read the detailed documentation on all available options.

How it works

Generated SVGs are cached for up to 30 minutes before they are removed. After that point a new image will be generated when the url is visited.

This method of generating random yet temporarily identifiable images is great to use when mocking & developing front-ends, mapping some fake ids to images, or as placeholder images inside a Storybook.


<img src="https://reptiles.dev/svg" />

<img src="https://reptiles.dev/some-identifier" />

<img src="https://reptiles.dev/svg?width=10&luminosity=light&hue=147A34" />

<!-- /random is alias of /svg -->
<img src="https://reptiles.dev/random" />