WhatsApp ChatGPT bot

Deploy 🚀

  1. Create an application on Meta Developers for WhatsApp use, copy app secret and issue a whatsapp access token

  2. Buy a domain, set up SSL on your server

  3. Create a Webhook application on Meta developers, adjust it properly to use with WhatsApp (read docs). Use https://{Paste your domain here}/whatsapp/webhook as the webhook url

  4. Issue your OpenAI access token

  5. Connect to your server using ssh

  6. Install docker & docker-compose on your machine (go to the docker official site).

  7. Clone this repo to a directory on the server

git clone https://github.com/father-bot/WhatsApp-ChatGPT-bot.git
  1. Go to the cloned repo, run this line in the terminal
APP_SECRET={Paste WhatsApp app secret here} \
API_KEY={Paste WhatsApp access token here} \
WEBHOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN={Paste WhatsApp webhook verify token here} \
OPEN_AI_API_KEY={Paste OpenAI access token here} \
docker-compose up