Solace mitigates the pain caused by the Windows console.
You see, the Windows terminal can only use 16 colors, and while it's possible to alter those colors via the "properties" Window one at a time, persisting or reusing hand-editted color combinations is difficult.
If you hate managing colors but don't want to abandon the Command Prompt entirely for a replacement such as Console 2, Solace can alleviate your grief by quickly dumping and loading colors from the command line.
Set the environment variable SOLACE_FILES to a directory containing solace color files. The "samples" directory of this repo is an example of such a directory.
After that, make sure "solace" is on your PATH and type solace followed by:
solace list - Show all solace color files.
solace load - Load a file containing new colors.
solace dump - View current palette of colors. The output from this command can be saved as a color file used with load. Note that not all sixteen colors need in a file. The color indexes refer to the hex value given to the COLOR command. Typically, "COLOR 07" can be used to return the default colors of the Windows command prompt (gray and black). Because of this most solace files only change colors 0 (the background) and 7 (the text).
Building Solace requires Macaroni and Conan. Both tools must be available on the path.
To build, enter the workspace directory and
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ conan install ..
$ conan build ..