
A simple 10 minute countdown timer for the Adafruit Gemma and NeoPixel12

Primary LanguageArduino


A simple 10 minute countdown timer for the Adafruit Gemma and NeoPixel12

Nothing particularly unusual or difficult. The ring of 12 LEDs starts all green and then fade to red, one by one, clockwise starting from the top. When the 10 minutes is up the whole ring flashes red 20 times.

The code works but I never actually got round to making it all into a badge; one snag of using the 12 rather than 16 LED ring is that the Gemma doesn't fit inside so I need some way of holding them together without anything touching that shouldn't. Oh, and getting power to it.

Take it as another strong proof that, generally speaking, the code to fix the original problem, is quick and easy. It's the getting it all to work properly in the real world that takes all the time.

When it arrives, I intend to do something similar with the CodeBug https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/922345933/codebug


Setting up the Gemma with the Adafruit Arduino IDE
