
This reference React project creates a Demisto incident through use of a web-based form. The purpose is to trigger a playbook which will perform an automated action behind the scenes

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This reference React project creates a Demisto incident through use of a web-based form. The purpose is to trigger a playbook which will perform an automated action behind the scenes

It consists of two main components:

  • A Node.js server application (required due to CORS restrictions)
  • A React application which will be delivered to users' web browsers


This is a simplistic, sample implementation, for reference purposes only. It is NOT intended for use in a production environment. All data provided is merely sample data. The app is written in such a way that the back end could potentially be modified to provide real data, but that is outside the scope of this project.


There is no authentication mechanism in this application for client communication (though a 'dummy' user is shown in the form which is obtained through an API call to the server, similar to what may happen in a production app). Any user connecting to this app will be able to submit the form, assuming Demisto API communications have been initialised using a Demisto API key.

ASSUME THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS INSECURE and that it will require numerous changes to be used in production. It does, however, make use of SSL and also encryption for the Demisto API key.

Running for the First Time

The client is not distributed in pre-built form, so to run it for the first time, one must either start the React compiler in development mode or build the client using the below instructions. If running in development mode, this means that one will have two servers running - both the Node.js server and the React compiler / server.

  1. Install Node.js. This is beyond the scope of this Readme.
  2. Clone this repository by running git clone https://github.com/tundisto/demisto-web-form-react.
  3. Install all necessary packages by running npm install from the cloned repo's directory.
  4. Start the Node.js server by running npm run server.
  5. In a separate terminal, start the React development compiler using npm start.

The Scenario

This scenario creates an incident in Demisto, for the purposes of provisioning a new employee. The web form collects information about the new employee from the end user, who is likely the new employee's manager, and then submits it to Demisto as a new incident via the Node.js server. Demisto can then run a playbook to do things like:

  • Create an account in Active Directory
  • Assign groups to the user's account
  • Do any custom account provisioning based on the user's group
  • Order a computer for the user
  • Create a ticket for IT to image the computer and send it to the user

This scenario is not an out-of-the-box (OOTB) scenario, meaning that it will not run successfully with an OOTB Demisto installation without customisation.

Demisto Configuration

These are the relevant details to enable the app to run successfully on the Demisto side:

Incident Type: New Employee Request

Incident Fields:

Name Type
Requestor Short text
First Name Short text
Last Name Short text
Hire Date Date picker
Work Location Single select
Home Address Street Short text
Home Address Street 2 Short text
Home Address City Short text
Home Address State Short text
Home Address ZIP Short text
Home Address Country Short text
Home Phone Short text
Mobile Phone Short text
AD Groups Short text
Computer Type Single select
Computer Model Short text
Form Factor Single select

Note on Playbook

A playbook is not yet provided as part of this sample. The app will create a Demisto incident with the necessary fields, but a playbook would still beed to be built to perform any automated actions based on the form .

Demisto API Key

Before this app can be used, An API key must first be generated within Demisto. using Settings -> Integrations -> API Keys -> Get Your Key. Enter this key and the server infornation into the Demisto Parameters section of the app.

Running the Node.js server

Run npm run server to start the Node.js server. If the build/ subdirectory is found, the pre-compiled React application will be served statically from it. If build/ isn't found, it will run in development mode by proxying the React development server.

Running the Node.js server in development mode

Use npm run server-dev to run the server in development mode, which will only proxy the React development server, rather than serving build/ statically.

Running the React client in development mode

Run npm start to start the React development compiler, allowing live-reload if making changes to the client source (in the src/ subdirectory).

Building the React client

Run npm run build to build the project in production mode. The build artifacts will be stored in the build/ subdirectory.

Running in Docker

This is also distributed as a Docker image.

Create a container

docker create -p 4001:4001 --name demisto-web-form-react tundisto/demisto-web-form-react:latest

Start the conatiner:

docker start demisto-web-form-react

Stop the container:

docker stop demisto-web-form-react

Run a temporary container:

docker run -p 4001:4001 -ti --rm tundisto/demisto-web-form-react:latest

Connecting to the Application

Browse to https://yourserver:4001 in your favourite web browser to launch the application.