
Reference typing extensions for C++ ("Ref C++")

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Reference typing extensions for C++ ("Ref C++")

Welcome to the workspace for the Ref C++ effort.


The goal is to prevent memory leaks for programs that need cycles between C++ and JavaScript, for WebAssembly deployments in web browser environments.


See the development milestones page for ongoing work towards Ref C++.

The problem

Say you have a data provider written in C++. You compile it to WebAssembly with emscripten. You register a JavaScript function with WebAssembly that will be called when the data provider has new data. The callback will refresh a data visualization, say a chart, implemented as a DOM node provided by the browser. But the chart is interactive -- so it might need to reconfigure the data provider in response to user action. Now we have a cycle: the WebAssembly module references JavaScript, and JavaScript references the WebAssembly module.

If this system were composed only of JavaScript, we have no problem: when no other part of the program references the cycle, the garbage collector can reclaim its memory.

However, WebAssembly makes memory leaks hard to avoid comprehensively. Having a cycle between JS and WebAssembly will leak memory except in very special cases.

WebAssembly references to JS are reference-counted in a side table

In fact, WebAssembly currently lacks the ability to reference JavaScript objects at all. The store associated with WebAssembly is just a raw byte array ("linear memory"). You can't represent a JavaScript object, managed by a garbage collector that WebAssembly doesn't know about, in WebAssembly.

What you can do is maintain a side table on the JavaScript side associating JavaScript objects used by WebAssembly with small integer identifiers (i32 values). Then a C++ function that takes a JavaScript object as an argument can take it as an i32 index into that side table. When C++ is finished with a JS value, it calls into JavaScript to let it know that the side table entry can be re-used.

To be concrete, here is a minimal implementation of the side table, with WebAssembly as it exists today:

#define WASM_IMPORT(name) \
  __attribute__((import_module("imports"))) \
  __attribute__((import_name(#name))) \

void WASM_IMPORT(release)(uint32_t handle_id);

The annotations tell LLVM that these functions will be imported from the run-time. On the C++ side, you would have a little wrapper to make sure that C++ keeps the JS object alive as long as it needs:

class Handle {
  int32_t id_;
  explicit Handle(int32_t id) : id_(id) {}
  ~Handle() { release(id_); }

Then when you instantiate the WebAssembly module from JavaScript, you provide the run-time support in the form of an imports object:

class ObjectTable {
    constructor() {
        this.objects = [];
        this.freelist = [];
    expand() {
        let len = this.objects.length;
        let grow = (len >> 1) + 1;
        let end = len + grow;
        this.objects.length = end;
        while (end != len)
    intern(obj) {
        if (!this.freelist.length)
        let handle = this.freelist.pop();
        this.objects[handle] = obj;
        return handle;
    release(handle) {
        this.objects[handle] = null;
    count() {
        return this.objects.length - this.freelist.length;
    ref(handle) {
        return this.objects[handle];

let table = new ObjectTable;

let imports = {
  release: handle => table.release(handle),
let bytes = fetch("https://example.com/data-provider.wasm");
let mod = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(bytes, { imports });

So that's referencing JavaScript objects from WebAssembly. On the other side, WebAssembly doesn't really have the notion of an object or a resource that JavaScript could hold on to: if WebAssembly passes an object to JavaScript that might need cleanup, what JavaScript would get would be an i32 identifier that might indicate an offset into linear memory. When JavaScript is done with that resource, it would need to call into WebAssembly to "free" the resource.

For a complete working example of this pattern, see Milestone 0.

This strategy works well until you have a cycle. In that case, the JS code referencing WebAssembly will not be collected because the WebAssembly reference to JS is via a side table, effectively via a reference count.

In short, when WebAssembly and JavaScript reference each other, we have a classic problem: cycles in graphs of reference-counted objects cause memory leaks.

In Milestone 1, we show that a simple change to milestone 0 introduces a cycle, indeed causing memory leaks and ultimately causing the program to crash.

Conventional solutions

Idea 1: Use weak refs to break cycles

The first conventional solution to the problem is "don't do that". I.e., don't create cycles at all.

We would note firstly that this is an easy thing to say, but a hard thing to put in practice. It is especially hard to know when a closure introduces a cycle [1] [2] [3].

However, assuming omniscient programmers, in our context this could mean making the item in the JS side table referencing a JS object on behalf of WebAssembly to be a weak reference. Since the WebAssembly-to-JS reference is no longer strong, the JavaScript side is alive only as long as some live JS object references it. When the JavaScript side becomes collectable, the JS object will be collected, which might trigger a finalizer to to clean up the WebAssembly side.

This solution works in a way but is not is not robust. Premature out-of-memory (OOM) is still quite possible even for "perfect" programs:

  1. because the JavaScript garbage collector doesn't know about wasm allocations
  2. because finalizers are allowed to run late
  3. because finalizers can't run too early

We focus on finalizers here, but weak references are also subject to similar timing issues.

Furthermore, adopting the weak-ref approach forces the programmer to reason globally about cycles. This becomes difficult when different teams are responsible for different parts of the object graph. One nice aspect about garbage-collection is that it is a cross-cutting solution that doesn't require global coordination among different programming teams in order to prevent memory leaks; we would be replacing a global guaranteed system invariant with the need for periodic global reasoning. This can work occasionally but it is not a scalable way to build a system.

Idea 2: WebAssembly program exposes hooks to system GC

Another conventional solution would be to integrate the inter-object edges contained in the reference-counted part of the graph with garbage collection. You could have the C++ objects expose a trace(TraceVisitor&) method that could be called by the JavaScript garbage collector. However, garbage collectors in JavaScript would be loathe to expose this interface to the web, which is effectively what you'd be doing if you went down this route.

Idea 3: User application allocates GC-managed memory

The third solution would be to forgo reference-counting for the parts of your object graph that might have cycles with garbage-collected objects. Instead, you make that part of the graph also managed by the garbage collector. That is the approach we are going to take here: define a facility to allow C++ to allocate data on the garbage-collected heap. For good usability, we will also extend C++ to allow a subset of C++ types to allocate their instances using these new garbage-collected primitives instead of in linear memory.

WebAssembly and C++

Let's back up a bit. WebAssembly is simply a target architecture to which C++ and other source languages can be compiled. It has instructions like you would expect: i32.add, i64.load, and so on. See the specification for full details.

The only data types that WebAssembly has are i32, i64, f32, and f64. This means that when a C++ program is compiled to WebAssembly, there's no notion of classes or objects or similar.

It's possible to implement "pure" modules in WebAssembly that only have data with automatic storage duration, in the sense of the C++ standard. In that case no external storage is needed. However most programs need to address memory; in that case the WebAssembly module will be associated with a linear byte array that it can use as it likes. That means it has to implement malloc, implement its own stack storage for mutable out-parameters, and so on. Instructions that load and store to memory do so by offset into the byte array. Consequently, C++ pointers are also compiled down as i32 offsets into memory.

Any global state needed by the module, for example malloc metadata or a stack pointer for stack allocations, is conventionally aliased to a statically-allocated region of linear memory: for example you could have the current stack pointer at byte offset 0, the current errno at offset 4, an offset to the current malloc freelist at offset 8, and so on.

The core of the C++-to-WebAssembly pipeline is implemented by LLVM, using --target=wasm32. (The 32 is to indicate that we can use 32-bit offsets to address memory.)

Object files compiled by LLVM don't include any libc or anything, so it's hard to directly use LLVM to produce tools that are useful in a web context.

Emscripten is a project that fills this gap: it adds a C library, an implementation of OpenGL in terms of WebGL, and so on. Emscripten is essentially a big ball of scripts around LLVM, plus some tweaked versions of standard libraries. It works remarkably well but we are mostly going to ignore it in our work, because we need to solve a problem at a lower level.

Note, Emscripten is essentially for compilation in a web or web-like embedding like Node: the result is a .wasm file, along with a run-time .js file that provides needed facilities to the WebAssembly module via imports. It's possible for WebAssembly to be embedded in non-web contexts where there is no JS, but that's not what we're interested in here.

Some useful reading: a nice article on bare-bones compilation of C to WebAssembly, and pictie, a simple example C++ application that can be used as a reference for how to use the Emscripten toolchain.

WebAssembly and GC

So, that's linear memory and pointers. Compiling standalone C++ algorithms to WebAssembly is straightforward: it just works, it runs at speed, and you can export some interfaces to JavaScript.

But what about WebAssembly and GC? Well the designers of WebAssembly want support for objects allocated not just in linear memory, but also on a garbage-collected heap. This is partly because many of them have a soft spot for ML and similar languages. It's also to ease the process of passing values across the WebAssembly/JS boundary, for embeddings in web browsers. As you can imagine, the side table we implemented above is costly.

The first baby-step towards integration with GC is something that used to be called anyref, and which has recently been renamed externref. It's essentially a new value type, indicating a reference to a value from the "host" -- in our case, a JS value. Functions can take refs as arguments and return them as results, and refs can be local variables, or indeed global variables. However: refs cannot be stored to linear memory. Instead, they can be stored to tables. Tables are arrays that are statically declared to be part of a module, and have items of uniform type. With reference types, you can have a table of externref, allowing us to move the side-table implementation from JS to WebAssembly.

There is a problem though: how would you represent a value in C++ that can be a local variable or a function parameter or result, but which can't be stored in the heap?

This is an ongoing problem. LLVM support hasn't landed yet. It's part of our work items for the year and this needs work.

In the mean-time, to further the discussion, Milestone 2 translates our example C program to raw WebAssembly. Milestone 3 then moves the side table from the JS runtime to WebAssembly. We are still actively working on figuring out how to produce this WebAssembly from LLVM.

We'll get to a design and implementation plan later in this document, but for now assume that LLVM will support a magical externref type that can be a function argument, return value, or local variable -- but with lots of weird restrictions, notably that it cannot be stored to the heap. There will be void __wasm_table_store(uint32_t idx, externref obj) and externref __wasm_table_load(uint32_t idx) intrinsics to allow C++ to stash these values in a GC-traced side table. General references from the C++ heap to externref values will still need to use the Handle mechanism described above, but happily we can access the table directly from C++.

Our work will build on externref in LLVM, defining C++ language extensions to allow C++ types to allocate their objects in GC-managed memory.

The basic idea: instances of some C++ classes are managed by GC

Let's return to the cycle problem. Whether the side table of references from WebAssembly to JS is managed on the JS side, as it is now, or on the WebAssembly side, as it may be with LLVM+externref, we still have the problem of reference-counting cycles.

We would like to solve this by making every object participating in the cycle to be traced by the GC. If every object in a cycle is GC-traced, then the cycle will stay alive if and only if it has an outside reference.

To make a C++ object traced by the GC, we will allocate its memory on the GC-managed heap. Like this:

externref WASM_IMPORT(gc_alloc)(uint32_t nbytes, uint32_t nrefs);
uint8_t WASM_IMPORT(gc_load_u8)(externref obj, uint32_t offset);
int8_t WASM_IMPORT(gc_load_s8)(externref obj, uint32_t offset);
// ... gc_load_{u,s}{16,32,64}, gc_load_f{32,64} ...
externref WASM_IMPORT(gc_load_ref)(externref obj, uint32_t idx);

void WASM_IMPORT(gc_store_u8)(externref obj, uint32_t offset, uint8_t val);
// ... gc_store_u{16,32,64}, gc_store_f{32,64} ...
void WASM_IMPORT(gc_store_ref)(externref obj, uint32_t idx, externref ref);

The corresponding run-time support would look like:

class WasmObj {
  constructor(nbytes, nrefs) {
    let bytes = new ArrayBuffer(nbytes);
    this.view = new DataView(bytes);
    this.refs = new Array(nrefs);
  loadU8(offset) { return this.view.getUint8(offset); }
  loadS8(offset) { return this.view.getInt8(offset); }
  // ... load{U,S}{16,32,64}, loadF{32,64} ...
  storeU8(offset, val) { this.view.setUint8(offset, val); }
  // ... store{U}{16,32,64}, storeF{32,64} ...

  loadRef(idx) { return this.refs[idx]; }
  storeRef(idx, obj) { this.refs[idx] = obj; }

let imports = {
  'gc_alloc': (nbytes, nrefs) => new WasmObj(nbytes, nrefs),

  'gc_load_u8': (obj, offset) => obj.loadU8(offset),
  'gc_load_s8': (obj, offset) => obj.loadS8(offset),
  // ... gc_load_{u,s}{16,32,64}, gc_load_f{32,64} ...
  'gc_load_ref': (obj, offset) => obj.loadRef(offset),

  'gc_store_u8': (obj, offset, val) => obj.storeU8(offset, val),
  // ... gc_store_{u}{16,32,64}, gc_store_f{32,64} ...
  'gc_store_ref': (obj, offset, ref) => obj.storeRef(offset, val),

Raw WebAssembly proof-of-concept

Milestone 4 implements this proof of concept. As we don't yet have a compiler from C to WebAssembly that supports externref, this example is written directly in WebAsembly.

Already, this proof-of-concept shows some interesting results. One is the existence proof that JS can provide a GC-managed heap for C and C++ allocations.

Another result is that because GC-managed objects need no finalizers, there is no need to force programs to "yield" to allow finalizers to run.

Interestingly, we also find that allocating C/C++ objects on GC heap can have higher performance than linear memory plus finalizers.

Finally we note that the resulting system will be faster with the full GC proposal, when it is no longer necessary to call out to JavaScript for object allocation and access.

GC and C++ integration

Having proven that such a system can work well on the low-level, we would like to target C++. If we assume that LLVM has basic support for externref, then what we'd like to do is to add annotations to user-defined C++ types that are to be GC managed, and arrange for the compiler to allocate their instances and allocate their members via the imports defined above. The language extension is defined in more detail below, but it looks like this:

template<typename T>
ref class Stack {
  ref struct Node {
    T item;
    Node^ next;
  Node^ first;
  Stack() {}

  void push(T item) {
    first = ref new Node(item, first);
  T pop() {
    Node^ head = first;
    first = first->next;
    return head.item;

Now if you're like us, you're cringing a bit: it's one thing to propose some new primitives to allow C++ to allocate GC-managed memory, but it's another to propose an entire language extension. The rest of this document discusses the feasibility of the language extension, but we should keep in mind the points that our initial investigations have shown:

  1. Systems with WebAssembly and JS should handle cycles
  2. Doing so with finalizers and weak references poses robustness problems
  3. Allocating GC-managed memory from WebAssembly is possible
  4. Allocating cycle-participating objects in GC-managed memory solves the cycle problem and has acceptable performance, even in the prototype phase
  5. There is the prospect in the medium-term of WebAssembly being able to define, allocate, and access GC-managed struct types without calling out to imports, which would result in a high-performance system.

The attractiveness of a comprehensive, high-performance solution to the cycle problem is such that it motivates us to imagine what a language extension would look like, and how we could implement it.

Inspiration: C++/CLI

The Ref C++ effort takes its inspiration from C++/CLI, which solved a similar problem almost 20 years ago. C++/CLI was an attempt to make C++ a first-class citizen in a .NET environment, whose "common language infrastructure" (CLI) specifies a system that's like WebAssembly plus garbage collection, a standard object-oriented type system, and a large standard library.

Note that the problem we are solving with Ref C++ is easier than the C++/CLI problem. With C++/CLI, the goal was seamless interoperability between C++ and C#; but in the case of WebAssembly and Ref C++, we are just looking to solve the reference cycle problem. Better interoperability with JavaScript and the web platform is a worthy goal, but its solution is already in progress in the context of interface types, type imports, and similar proposals. Ref C++ is tackling a lower-level problem.

Similarly, with Ref C++, we aren't looking to support an already-existing VM out there that is specialized to the language needs of an already-existing language, as was the case with the CLI and C#. Whereas C++/CLI needs to have a story for interface classes, value classes, enumerated types, multiple inheritance, virtual methods, visibility, and so on, we don't have that problem. Though we are using the reference types proposal as a prototype for the future garbage collection proposal, these WebAssembly extensions are under development and co-design, and do not have a large API surface area.

What's left from C++/CLI to inspire this proposal is the basic treatment of reference types: how to add support for automatic storage management to a language designed for RAII and linear memory. With Ref C++, we think it's reasonable to assume that extracting those core parts of C++/CLI will result in a coherent language, at least in the beginning of the effort. We can therefore mostly skip over the language design phase, trusting that Herb Sutter did a pretty good job with C++/CLI, and so our problem becomes one of implementation rather than design.

The next section details the Ref C++ design, which as we note is mostly taken from C++/CLI. Before doing that, we should note that although the CLI is still an important and active platform, the C++/CLI language, while still available, is not a central part of it. We don't really know why at this point, but perhaps the reader will permit some speculation.

One point is that between 2000 and 2005 or so, it seemed like .NET would be the only way to develop on the Windows platform, and that bare-metal applications would no longer really be supported. Creating C++/CLI was thus necessary to ensure the survival of C++ on Windows. However this all-managed vision did not come to pass. The possibility of making "native" applications never went away; indeed you can still program to the Win32 API, or target the newer WinRT API. Given a choice, many C++ programmers chose to avoid the overhead of CLI, which incidentally isn't as low-level as WebAssembly. In our case we are closer to the situation that C++ programmers feared in the early 2000s: WebAssembly is the only realistic option for deploying C++ on the web.

Perhaps more importantly for our effort, though, is the fact that C++ programmers prefer libraries over language extensions. Indeed, an earlier version of a binding for WinRT targetting native deployments, C++/CX, used a version of C++/CLI's language extensions, but was superdeded by C++/WinRT, which is a library rather than an extension. As Herb Sutter notes in the C++/CLI Rationale, it's important to make similar things look similar, but to make different things look different; we are convinced the Foo^ and gcnew extensions are necessary for platforms including both linear memory and a garbage collector, but we think they always have a cost relative to core C++. This cost is a risk that the Ref C++ project will need to mitigate over time, especially by designing for patterns that keep the core of an application in portable C++, and focusing on the use case where users add a thin wrapper interface over the core, isolating the Ref C++ extensions to the part of a codebase that interoperates with JavaScript.

Language extension

Ref C++ is:

  • standard C++
  • plus reference types: ref class Foo {}
  • plus handles (pointers to ref class): Foo^ h = ref new Foo; Foo% ref = *f
  • plus finalizers, in addition to destructors.

Let's go through these one by one.

Ref C++ is standard C++

A Ref C++ program that doesn't use any extensions defined by Ref C++ is the same as a standard C++ program. In this prototype phase, we leave the definition of what "standard C++" is to be a bit loose; as we are implementing by extending LLVM, basically it means anything that LLVM can compile.

Since we're taking an operational approach to defining what "standard C++" means, we should specify that we are interested in the WebAssembly context, so there are some limitations that the current toolchain and indeed the current state of WebAssembly places on us; for example, exceptions are poorly supported at the current time. No divergence from C++17 or C++20 is intended; any limitation that might currently be present is simply a case of a not-yet-implemented feature and is unrelated to the Ref C++ extension.

Reference types

A class may be declared to be reference-typed if it is declared using ref class, instead of class.

ref class Foo {};

We say that Foo is a reference type, or a ref class. If we need to make the distinction, we can call "normal" classes linear classes.

All subclasses of a ref class must themselves be declared using ref class. This makes it clear to the programmer which classes are reference types and which are in linear memory.

Likewise there is ref struct, which is the same as ref class but defaulting to having members being public.


An instance of a ref class is allocated via ref new instead of new. The result of ref new is a handle instead of a pointer; handle types are declared with the sigil ^ instead of *.

Foo^ handle = ref new Foo;

It would be tempting to re-use * and new. A predecessor to C++/CLI, Managed C++ took this approach. However handles are fundamentally unlike pointers in some ways: you can't store them to the heap, you can't reinterpret_cast them, even to uintptr_t, you can't compare them with <, you can't use tagging strategies, and so on. In the end it's least surprising to use a separate data type. See the C++/CLI Rationale for a detailed discussion.

Attempting to ref new Q for a linear class Q is a compile-time error. Similarly, attempting to new Foo for a ref class Foo is a compile-time error.

Members of a ref class instance can be accessed from a handle using the usual -> operator:

ref struct Bar { int x; };
Bar^ b = ref new Bar { 42 };
printf("%d\n", b->x); // prints "42"

Similarly, the result of unary * on a value of type Foo^ is a value of type Foo%, where % refers to a reference-typed value, but by reference instead of by handle. Most languages don't need to distinguish between different kinds of references, but C++'s idioms often involve implicit application of unary *, as in copy constructors, so Foo% is to Foo^ as Q& is to Q*.

It is only possible to create instances of reference types with dynamic storage duration (i.e., heap-allocated). It is only possible to refer to instances of ref classes using handles (either Foo^ or Foo%). Handles can only have automatic storage duration (local variables, function arguments, or function results). Foo^ handles (but not Foo% handles) can also be members of ref classes:

template<typename T>
ref struct List { T head; List<T>^ tail; };

A later extension could add syntactic sugar to allow instances of ref classes with automatic storage duration:

Bar b{42};
printf("%d\n", b.x); // prints "42"

Underneath this would translate to something like:

Bar^ b = ref new B{42};
printf("%d\n", b->x);
delete b;

Notably, these restrictions mean that (for example) std::pair<int, Foo^> isn't possible, as the std::pair template expands to a linear struct. Generally speaking, if you need a handle that's not a temporary, a local variable, a function argument, or a return value, you'll need to use a side table. Here's an implementation of a Handle class encapsulating access to a side table, compiling down to uses of the table.size, table.grow, table.set, and table.get WebAssembly instructions:

// WebAssembly intrinsics to access tables
externref __wasm_null_externref(void);
uint32_t __wasm_table_size(uint32_t table_id);
uint32_t __wasm_table_grow_externref(uint32_t table_id, uint32_t new_size, externref init);
void __wasm_table_set_externref(uint32_t table_id, externref val);
externref __wasm_table_get_externref(uint32_t table_id, uint32_t id);

template<typename Foo>
class Handle {
  static const uint32_t externrefTableId = 42;
  static uint32_t nextId;
  static uint32_t tableSize = 0;
  static uint32_t intern(Foo^ obj) {
    uint32_t id = nextId++; // Poor man's freelist :)
    if (tableSize == 0) {
      tableSize = __wasm_table_size(externrefTableId);
    if (tableSize <= nextId) {
      tableSize *= 2; tableSize++;
      __wasm_table_grow_externref(externrefTableId, tableSize,
    __wasm_table_set_externref(externrefTableId, id, obj);
    return id;
  static void ref(uint32_t id) {
    return __wasm_table_set_externref(externrefTableId, id);
  static void release(uint32_t id) {
    __wasm_table_set_externref(externrefTableId, id, __wasm_null_externref());
    // FIXME: add id to free list.

  uint32_t id_;
  Handle(Foo^ obj) id_(intern(obj)) {}
  ~Handle() { release(id_); }
  operator Foo^() { return ref(id_); }

We can choose to have implicit conversions, as in the above example, or require explicit conversions; it's a library concern. A use of Handle would look like this:

void test(Foo^ arg) {
  std::pair<int, Handle<Foo>> p {42, arg};
  // ...

We admit that it can be confusing to say that a value of type Foo^ is a "handle", but then say that to hold a Foo^ from linear memory, you need to use the similarly-named Handle. Better naming alternatives are welcome, should this turn out to be a problem.

Destructors and finalizers

One of the most pleasant parts about using C++ is the RAII idiom that allows you to map resource acquisition and release to scopes, or in general to value lifetimes. You know when you go into a scope and declare a Bar x;, that the destructor Bar::~Bar will be called when control leaves the scope, to clean up resources associated with x.

Ref C++ keeps support for this idiom while relaxing restrictions on the extent of an object's lifetime. A ref class's destructor will still be called in the same places that a linear class's destructor is called on its instances: when automatic-storage-duration values go out of scope, or when heap values are explicitly destroyed via delete. Ref C++ also adds a finalizer mechanism that complements destructors.

Note that many ref classes will be able to go without destructors or finalizers at all. Whereas a linear class almost always has some kind of destructor, if only to release memory associated with its instances, automatic storage management means that references between ref class instances need no special acquire/release book-keeping code. Of course, occasionally a destructor is needed to free up external resources, like file descriptors, and for that reason, Ref C++ allows ref classes to have destructors that work just like linear class destructors.

When a ref class really needs a destructor, though, it often also needs a finalizer, because a common pattern for using the result of ref new Foo is to have all components that need the resulting Foo^ to just refer to it directly. No reference-counting is needed, because that's the garbage collector's job, and so no one will explicitly delete the instance. If the instance only has reference-typed fields, then usually this is sufficient, but if the instance holds a refcount into a resource from linear memory, the instance needs to release that reference via a finalizer, to prevent leaks in linear memory.

Here we diverge a bit from C++/CLI, essentially for implementation reasons. No proposal for WebAssembly includes support for finalizers. For the Web platform, we need to use the WeakRefs proposal for JavaScript, which exposes a "post-mortem" interface: when the finalizer is run, the object is already reclaimed. With the FinalizationRegistry API defined in weak refs, we can register an object to identify the resource to release (the held value), but the held value can't be the finalizable object itself, as FinalizationRegistry references the held value strongly.

Therefore, if we write the following class implementation with a destructor and a finalizer, using the !Foo() syntax from C++/CLI, we have:

ref struct Buf {
  uint8_t* bytes_;
  explicit Buf(size_t nbytes) : bytes_(new uint8_t[nbytes]) { }
  // The C++/CLI best practice is to make the destructor just
  // call the finalizer.
  ~Buf() { Buf::!Buf(); }
  // The finalizer.
  !Buf() { delete[] bytes_; }

In this example, we wouldn't be able to access this in !Buf, because !Buf is called after the instance is collected.

What we can do is to have the finalizer effectively be a closure that captures any member data that it references, effectively turning it into a kind of static method that takes member data as arguments. The finalizer would not be able to call instance methods, as it has no this.

It is important for a finalizer to capture only those fields that it references, and no more. Consider the following list implementation:

template<typename T>
ref struct PtrList {
  T* head;
  PtrList^ tail;
  PtrList(T* head, PtrList^ tail) : head(head), tail(tail) {}
  ~PtrList() { PtrList::!PtrList(); }
  !PtrList() { delete head; }

PtrList<int>^ foo(new int {42}, nullptr);
foo.tail = foo; // Create circular list

If the finalizer closed over PtrList::tail, then that would prevent this circular list from being collected, even though we only attached the finalizer so we could delete PtrList::head. Therefore it should be a language guarantee that finalizers only close over referenced values, and that the above program is equivalent to:

void WASM_IMPORT(register_finalizer)(externref registry, externref obj,
                                     externref heldValue,
                                     externref unregisterToken);
void WASM_IMPORT(unregister_finalizer)(externref registry, externref obj);

template<typename T>
ref struct PtrList {
  ref struct Finalizer {
    T* head;
    void finalize() { delete head; }

  ref class FinalizerSet {
    // FIXME: Specify how to obtain the registry from C++, and how
    // to make the JS run-time wire up calls to
    // FinalizerSet::invokeFinalizer() when objects are collected.
    externref registry_;
    void register(PtrList^ obj, Captured^ c) {
      register_finalizer(registry_, obj, captured, obj);
    void unregister(PtrList^ obj) {
      unregister_finalizer(registry_, obj);
    static void invokeFinalizer(externref held) {
      // FIXME: Specify conversion semantics between Foo^ and
      // the bottom type externref.
      Captured^ c = held;

  // For each class with finalizers, there is one FinalizationRegistry
  // instance on the JS side, wired up to call specific finalizer
  // routines.
  static FinalizerSet^ finalizers_;

  T* head;
  PtrList^ tail;
  Finalizer^ finalizer;
  PtrList(T* head, PtrList^ tail) : head(head), tail(tail), Finalizer{head} {
    finalizers_->register(this, finalizer);
  ~PtrList() {
  !PtrList() { finalizer->finalize(); }

In this example we unfortunately can't use std::function to represent the finalizer as it's a linear class. Probably there is some more language design work to do here to be able to use typed function references from C++, to allow C++ to robustly create reference-typed closures.

Note that the finalizer shown above captures closed-over fields by value at time of construction, not by reference, because the finalizer can't actually reference the instance. It would be more consistent with the idea of objects being state with identity if we captured by reference, which we could do by performing assignment conversion on the mutable state, either manually in the source or automatically in the compiler. This would be a future extension.


In C++/CLI, you can refer to the address of a data member of a ref instance:

ref class A { int i; };
void g(int* i) { *i = 42; }
void f(A^ a) { g(&a->i); }

Under the hood, this works by asking the garbage collector to pin the location of a in memory, and by representing the address of A::i as an internal_pointer data type. This facility is unlikely to be available to WebAssembly targets, and so we should assume that we simply won't be able to take the address of data members of ref classes.