CharacterEval: A Chinese Benchmark for Role-Playing Conversational Agent Evaluation

CharacterEval is a Chinese benchmark designed for evaluating Role-Playing Conversational Agents (RPCAs). It consists of 1,785 multi-turn role-playing dialogues and 23,020 examples featuring 77 characters derived from Chinese novels and scripts. Additionally, it provides in-depth character profiles sourced from Baidu Baike. Furthermore, CharacterEval employs a multifaceted evaluation approach, encompassing thirteen targeted metrics across four dimensions. To facilitate evaluation, we have also developed a character-based reward model (CharacterRM) based on manual annotations. Experimental results demonstrate that the pearson correlation coefficient of CharacterRM with human significantly surpasses that of GPT-4. Please refer to our paper for more details (

Evaluation Dimensions



pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate response

Here we provide a script to call ChatGLM3 to get the response based on the context and character profiles. You could adjust it to adapt the input format of your model.

# data/test_data.jsonl + data/character_profiles.json -> results/generation.jsonl

Transform format

As mentioned in our paper, we introduce annotators to sparsely evaluate the performance matrix. This approach entails that each example in CharacterEval is assessed using a subset of all subjective metrics, leading to more differentiated evaluation results. So we need transform the format of genereted result for reward model evaluation.

# results/generation.jsonl + data/id2metric.json -> results/generation_trans.jsonl

Run CharacterRM

Now, we should download the BaichuanCharRM and use it to evaluate the generated responses.

# results/generation_trans.jsonl + data/character_profiles.json -> results/evaluation

Compute evaluation scores

The last step is just to compute the average evaluation score on each metric.


For reproduction of our results, we provide the intermediate running results of five open-source models (under results/), including ChatGLM-6B, Baichuan-7B-Chat, XVERSE-7B-Chat, InternLM-7B-Chat and Qwen-7B-Chat. All of the model checkpoints are downloaded from Hugginface.