
This is the Unofficial node package for the Charity Commission's API. It uses Promises to wrap asynchronous calls around the API. With this API you can search the comissions data on all charites resgistered in the United Kingdom.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The 'Charity Commission for England and Wales' logo

This is the Unofficial Node package for the Charity Commission's API. It uses Promises to wrap asynchronous calls around the API. With this API you can search the commissions data on all charities registered in the United Kingdom.

Note: Before you begin will need to register as a developer to receive your API key.


To install locally:

npm install charity-commission-api --save

General Syntax

const ccAPI = require('charity-commission-api');
const args = { APIKey: 'xx-xx-xx-x', strSearch: '<search term>' };

ccAPI.<API Method>(args).then(function(result) {

}).catch(function(err) {

   console.log(`Call to ${err.operationName} failed with error: ${err.err}`);

Sample Usage

  1. Create a new directory with mkdir test
  2. Enter the directory with cd test. Then initialize it with npm init. You will be prompted to create a package.json file. Accept all the defaults.
  3. Create an empty js file touch index.js
  4. Install the package with npm install charity-commission-api --save this will save the package version to the package.json file
  5. Copy the following code into index.js. Enter node index.js at the terminal to run; remembering to substitute in your API key.
const ccAPI = require('charity-commission-api');
const args = { APIKey: 'xx-xx-xx-x', strSearch: 'happy' };

ccAPI.GetCharitiesByKeyword(args).then(function(result) {

}).catch(function(err) {

   console.log(`Call to ${err.operationName} failed with error: ${err.err}`);


Supported Methods

GetCharities - Accepts multiple search criteria variables and returns a list of matching Charities.

GetCharitiesByKeyword - Allows you to search charities by Keyword

GetCharitiesByName - Allows you to search charities by Name

GetCharityAccountListing - Retrieves Account Listing data for a specific charity.

GetCharityAnnualReturns - Retreives Annual Returns data for a specific charity.

GetCharityAreasOfOperation - Retrieves Areas of Operation for a specific charity.

GetCharityByRegisteredCharityNumber - Retrieves specific charity details.

GetCharityByRegisteredCharityNumberAndSubsidiaryNumber - Retrieves specific charity subsidiary details.

GetCharityChartAssetsLiabilitiesAndPeople - Retrieves chart data for charity assets, liabilities and people.

GetCharityChartCharitableSpending - Retrieves chart data for charity charitable spending.

GetCharityChartComplianceHistory - Retrieves chart data for charity compliance history.

GetCharityChartFinancialHistory - Retrieves chart data for charity financial history.

GetCharityChartIncome - Retrieves chart data for charity income.

GetCharityChartIncomeAndSpending - Retrieves chart data for charity income and spending.

GetCharityChartSpending - Retrieves chart data for charity spending.

GetCharityFinancialComplianceTableData - Retrieves charity financial compliance data.

GetCharityLatestFiling - Retrieves charity latest filing information.

GetCharityNumbersChart - Retrieves charity numbers.

GetCharityPublishedReport - Retrieves charity published report.

GetCharityRegistrations - Retrieves registration information for a specific charity.

GetCharitySubmissions - Retrieves submission information for a specific charity.

GetCharitySubsidiaries - Retrieves a list of subsidiaries for a specific charity.

GetCharityTrustees - Retrieves a list of Trustees for a specific charity.

GetTrusteeAndRelatedCharities - Retrieves a list of Trustee related charities.

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