
Can restore specific chunks and playerdata from AromaBackup backup files

Primary LanguageJava

Backup Restorer (1.7.10)

Restores specific chunks & player data from backups created by AromaBackup. Server-side only.

For now it's in a very raw state, but will work normally if it has proper settings.

Setting up:

To make the mod be activated properly, we need to create the file named restore.properties.

We need to specify some variables there:
x1=-1451 - the x coordinate of the first corner of the chunk area being restored.
z1=1343 - the z coordinate of the first corner of the chunk area being restored.
x2=-1305 - the x coordinate of the second corner of the chunk area being restored.
z2=1216 - the z coordinate of the second corner of the chunk area being restored.
shouldBeRun=true - if set to true, the mod will be ran before the next server starting. After all its work, this variable will be set to false automatically.
file=C\:/IJ Projects/MCModding/RegionRestorer 1.7.10/Backup-World-2021-7-10--14-29.zip - file with absolute of relative path to the backup zip-file.
backupPlayer=Az_Max - player name, whose data should also be restored from backup. Can be empty.
worldDir=saves/World - relative path to the save directory.