
Another Minecraft mod. With plumbing for managing RPG-like skills. This fork should be compatible with KubeJS 6.1.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Player Skills

A library mod that provides a baseline implementation of player-specific skills. On its own, this does very little as it is meant to be as un-opinionated as possible.

Like GameStages and GamePhases, this provides a registry for tracking possible skills as well what skills a given player currently possesses. Unlike the other mods, skills are added to a player immediately and leverage ability checking via Skill Types.

CurseForge Modrinth MIT license Discord 1.19.2 1.18.2

xSkills Mods

Player Skills | Block Skills | Dimension Skills | Fluid Skills | Item Skills | Mob Skills


This mod provides three entities that can be extended: Skill Types, Skills, and (Skill-based) Restrictions.

Skill Type

A skill type handles all logic around managing skills tied to its type. That includes providing a way to (de)serialize the skill into a persistent format. More advanced use cases can leverage the skill type for determining if a skill is of a sufficient threshold. Because of this nature, skill types cannot be created via KubeJS.

Builtin Types

  1. Basic provides a simple boolean true/false. Great for simple skills such as "can read."
  2. Numeric provides an integer value (0, 1, 2, etc). Great for skills or attributes which can be improved such as " strength."
  3. Tiered are specialized version of Numeric in that strings can be used. One example could be "education" education (crude/primary, basic/secondary, intermediate/university, advanced/postgraduate, top/doctorate).
  4. Specialization provide a skill which allows one or more specializations out of a list. An example is "magic type" ( red, black, white, green, blue).


A skill tracks the data needed for SKill Types to calculate if a player can perform a skill-based action. Skills get serialized and persisted in player-specific NBT data. Skills are exposed via KubeJS for modpack authors to manipulate as they see fit. This mod provides no built-in skills, as we want to encourage modpacks and other mods to provide that shape.


A restrictions handles the logic for determining if a player has an ability based on the set condition, current dimension, and current biome. It may also provide a replacement to the target resource. Like Skills, we provide no restrictions here. The other xSkills mods implements restrictions for many vanilla elements.


Registry Actions

For all registry actions, we use two separate events:

  • SkillEvents.registration startup event to add skills.
  • SkillEvents.modification server event to modify and delete skills registered in the startup script or by mods.

Both events use the skill name as the first parameter. This is a string that will be cast into a ResourceLocation, so it must conform to ResourceLocation rules (namely, snake_case instead of camelCase). If no namespace is given, it will automatically be placed into the skills: namespace.

When adding a skill, you must provide a skill type string as the second parameter. Like the name, this will be cast into a ResourceLocation and given the default skills: namespace if none provided. If you are modifying a skill, you may add a skill type parameter after the name to change the skill typing. Be sure to change the initial value of the skill if you're changing the type or else you will see errors.

For both adding and modifying skills, the final argument is a callback function which will interact with the skill builder for the type. Modifying skills will start with their existing configurations while new skills will start with whatever the default options are for the type.

Skill Builder Methods

  • initialValue(newValue: T) - Sets a starting value for all players
  • clearValue() - Empties the initial value
  • description(desc: string) - Sets the skill description
  • limitChanges(limit: number) - How many times the skill can change before it is locked
  • unlimitedChanges() - Allows the skill to always change
  • notifyOnChange(translationKey?: string) - Send a notification when the skill changes (using either the provided translation key or the base skill name)
  • clearNotification() - Turns off notification on skill change
  • options(choices: T[]) - Sets what values will be allowed
  • sharedWithTeam() - Sync progress to all players on a team for the shared skill (requires FTM Teams)
  • teamLimitedTo(amount: number) - Limits the progress to only amount players on the team (requires FTB Teams)
  • percentageOfTeam(percentage: number) = Limits the progress to a percentage of the players on the team (requires FTB Teams)
  • splitEvenlyAcrossTeam() - Limits the progress of a specialization skill so that there must be an even distribution of specializations across the team.
  • pyramid() - Limits the progress of a tiered skill so that fewer and fewer players on a team can progress until only one player has the highest tier.

Add a skill

By default, we provide a simple boolean skill type (yes/no) which resembles what comes from Game Stages and Game Phases.

// Let's assume we have these tiers for `undead_killer` skill
const KILLER_TIERS = {
  wood: 0,
  stone: 1,
  iron: 2,
  gold: 3,
  diamond: 4,
  netherite: 5,

SkillEvents.registration(event => {
  event.add('started_quest', 'basic', skill => {
      .description('Indicates a Player has joined the Great Quest');

  // Shares the skill with the rest of the team
  event.add('team_started_quest', 'basic', skill => {
      .description('Indicates a Team has joined the Great Quest')

  // Only 16 percent of the team (rounded up) can complete the quest 
  event.add('team_completed_quest', 'basic', skill => {
      .description('Indicates a Player has completed the Great Quest for the team')

  // Only the first 4 Players on the team to gain this skill will receive it 
  event.add('team_completed_quest', 'basic', skill => {
      .description('Indicates a Player has completed the Great Quest for the team')

  // Create a pyramid of tier limits (1 Nehtherite, 2 Diamond, 4 Gold, 8 Iron, 16 Stone) 
  event.add('undead_killer', 'basic', skill => {
      .description('Tier of undead killer level')

Modify Skill

SkillEvents.modification(event => {
  event.modify('skills:test', skill => {
      .description('Less of a test value');

Remove Skill

SkillEvents.modification(event => {

Player Actions

Whenever an event is triggered in KubeJS that has a Player associated with it, we attach some Player-specific functions.

Get Player's Current Skill Set

KubeJS will have read-only access to a player's skill set. Note that we store every skill on a player, so do not use the existence of a skill for determining if a player can perform an action.

BlockEvents.rightClicked('minecraft:dirt', event => {
  event.entity.data.skills.all.forEach(skill => console.info(`Player has ${skill.name} at ${skill.value}`))


Instead, we provide a function to determine if a player has a sufficient Skill:

BlockEvents.rightClicked('minecraft:dirt', event => {
  if (event.entity.data.skills.can('skills:harvest', 2)) {
    // If the player does have a harvest skill of 2 or greater, spawn a Green Guardian to plague them

This example is expecting skills:harvest to be a Numeric skill and checks if the player has a skill level of 2 or greater. If no skill value is used (i.e. event.entity.data.skills.can('skills:harvest')), then the check only looks to see if the skill is truthy (true, greater than 0, not null). If you want to invert the condition, you can use cannot instead of can.

Change Skills

Oftentimes, you will want to set a player's skill level based on some arbitrary rules. We don't build in those rules! However, you will have a few options:

  • improve(skill: string, builder?: Builder) - Increase the value
  • degrade(skill: string, builder?: Builder) - Decrease the value
  • set(skill: name, newValue: T, builder?: Builder) - Set the skill to an arbitrary value
  • reset(skill: name, builder?: Builder) - Reset the skill back to the initial value
Condition Builder

Each of the methods take an optional condition builder callback. Here, you can provide more boundaries.

  • min(value: T) - If the player's skill is below the minimum, it will jump to the minimum value. If it's at or above, it will increment appropriately
  • max(value: T) - If the player's skill is at or above the maximum value, nothing will change. Otherwise, increment the skill appropriately
  • if(condition: boolean) - Add an expression which evaluates to a boolean value. Will only increment the value if this is true
  • unless(condition: boolean) - Add an expression which evaluates to a boolean value. Will only increment the value if this is false
  • chance(percentage: number) - Make the skill gain based on random chance using the provided. Values are between 0 and 100. Anything over 100 is guaranteed success. Default is 100
BlockEvents.rightClicked('minecraft:dirt', event => {
  // this is a basic skill, so we ensure it's true

  // this is a numeric skill, but we want to stop improvements this way once it hits 5 and only grant it 1/3rd of the time
  event.entity.data.skills.improve('skills:harvest', condition => condition.max(5).chance(33.3));

  // this is a tiered skill, we're allowing an upgrade from iron -> gold but only if the player hasn't gained the `crop_farmer` skill
  event.entity.data.skills.improve('skills:undead_killer', condition => condition
    .if(event.entity.data.skills.can('skills:undead_killer', KILLER_TIERS.iron))

Global Utilities

Lastly, KubeJS scripts have access to a PlayerSkills object that provides the following information:

  • PlayerSkills.skillTypes: Returns an array of all registered Skill Types
  • PlayerSkills.skills: Returns an array of all registered Skills

KubeJS Restrictions API

The various xSkills mods utilize a shared Restrictions API for managing restrictions. These are contained within PlayerSkills but are surfaced in the dependent mod. These are documented here in order to keep documentation as up-to-date as possible and the other mods may link back to here.

ID Parsing

Creating restrictions can be tedious. In order to help reduce that, all restriction identifiers as well as dimension and biome facets share the same identifier parsing. This means that string identifiers can be used (e.g. minecraft:zombie) as well as mod IDs (e.g. minecraft:* or @minecraft) and tags (#minecraft:desert or #desert) can be used where appropriate. Note that not everything uses tags (e.g. dimensions), so it won't work with those.

Condition Methods

  • if: Sets the condition which must evaluate to true in order to apply. This is a callback function with a signature of Player -> Boolean. Example: .if(player => player.cannot('harvest', 5))
  • unless: Sets the condition which must evaluate to false. The callback function is the same as if

Facet Methods

  • inDimension: Adds a facet to the restriction applying to the restriction target (entity, block) only if it is in one of the listed dimensions. Example: .inDimension('overworld').inDimension('the_nether')
  • notInDimension: Adds a facet to the restriction applying to the target only if it is not in one of the listed dimensions. Example: .notInDimension('@ad_astra')
  • inBiome: Adds a facet to the restriction applying to the restriction target (entity, block) only if it is in one of the listed biomes. Example: .inBiome('#desert')
  • notInBiome: Adds a facet to the restriction applying to the target only if it is not in one of the listed biomes

Java API

Registering Skills and SkillTypes should happen during initialization (see PlayerSkills.registerTypes) using a DeferredRegister to ensure it is happens at the right time.

package my.custom.mod;

import dev.architectury.registry.registries.DeferredRegister;
import net.impleri.playerskills.registry.SkillTypes;
import net.impleri.playerskills.server.registry.Skills;
import net.impleri.playerskills.utils.SkillResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.core.Registry;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceKey;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
import my.custom.mod.custom.CustomSkill;
import my.custom.mod.custom.CustomSkillType;

public class ExampleMod {
    public static final String MOD_ID = 'mycustommod';
    private static final ResourceKey<Registry<Skill<?>>> SKILL_REGISTRY = ResourceKey.createRegistryKey(Skills.REGISTRY_KEY);
    private static final DeferredRegister<Skill<?>> SKILLS = DeferredRegister.create(MOD_ID, SKILL_REGISTRY);

    private static final ResourceKey<Registry<SkillType<?>>> SKILL_TYPE_REGISTRY = ResourceKey.createRegistryKey(SkillTypes.REGISTRY_KEY);
    private static final DeferredRegister<SkillType<?>> SKILL_TYPES = DeferredRegister.create(MOD_ID, SKILL_TYPE_REGISTRY);

    public ExampleMod() {
        // All that is needed to register a skill type
        SKILL_TYPES.register(CustomSkillType.name, CustomSkillType::new);

        // And to register a skill
        ResourceLocation skillName = SkillResourceLocation.of("test");
        SKILLS.register(skillName, () -> new CustomSkill(skillName));

SkillTypes are available in both the logical server and the logical client sides via net.impleri.playerskills.api.SkillType static methods. Post-modification Skills are only available on the server side via net.impleri.playerskills.server.api.Skill static methods. Validating a player's skills (can) can be done on both client (net.impleri.playerskills.client.ClientApi) and server (net.impleri.playerskills.server.ServerApi).

Any manipulation to those skills (set) can only happen on the server side. It should be noted that the API layer does not have the convenience methods exposed to KubeJS (improve, degrade) nor the built-in checking for conditions as that functionality is expected to be handled at the modpack level via KubeJS scripts.


We expose a pair of network messages for communicating between the client and server: SyncSkills and ResyncSkills. The server side sends SyncSkills whenever the local player on the client has updated skills. It sends the player's most recent set of skills and gets cached in the client-side registry which supplies data necessary for the ClientApi. The client side can also request an update via the ResyncSkills message.


Events are now triggered on both the server side and the client side as a player's skills are changed. On the server side, SkillChangedEvent is broadcast with information about the specific skill change. This is consumed in KubeJS scripts as it is rebroadcast to the SkillEvents.onChanged handler. It is also consumed on the server side network handler which updates that specific player's client side.

When a client receives an updated list of skills, ClientSkillsUpdatedEvent is broadcast for any client-side libraries to handle updates.

In-Game Commands

Lastly, we expose a handful of in-game commands for players and mods:

  • /skills types: List all registered skill types
  • /skills all: List all registered skills (post-modification)
  • /skills mine: List the current player's skills and values
  • /skills team share: Syncs the current player's team-shared skills to the rest of the player's team overriding their values. (e.g. if Player 1 had kill_count of 3 and Player 2 had a kill_count of 8, both players would have a value of 3 after Player 1 executes the command)
  • /skills team sync [player]: Syncs the player's team's team-shared skills to the rest of the player's team overriding their values with the "best" value. (if Player 1 had kill_count of 3 and Player 2 had a kill_count of 8, both players would have a value of 8 after an op runs the command targeting Player 1). Requires mod permissions.
  • /skills debug: Toggles debug-level logging for Player Skills. Requires mod permissions.
  • /skills set [player] skill value: Set the skill's value to value for the player (omitting a player targets the one performing the command). Note that this requires mod permissions.


Add the following to your build.gradle. I depend on Architectury API and KubeJS, so you'll need those as well.

dependencies {
    // Common should always be included 
    modImplementation "net.impleri:player-skills-${minecraft_version}:${playerskills_version}"

    // Plus forge
    modApi "net.impleri:player-skills-${minecraft_version}-forge:${playerskills_version}"

    // Or fabric
    modApi "net.impleri:player-skills-${minecraft_version}-fabric:${playerskills_version}"

repositories {
    maven {
        url = "https://maven.impleri.org/minecraft"
        name = "Impleri Mods"
        content {
            includeGroup "net.impleri"


Want to use this in a modpack? Great! This waBecause os designed with modpack developers in mind. No need to ask.