
The offline version of acm-compiler-judge

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The offline version of acm-compiler-judge. The process is still ongoing. Only the semantic check and the codegen part have been completed and they have not been tested yet.

Getting Started


To install compiler-oj, just cd into the repository directory and

pip3 install .

Maybe you need to run

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

in order to run the judge by compiler-oj in the terminal.

Write the config file

A json file is required to tell the judge what to do. A sample config file is given in doc/.


compiler-oj -c='PATH/TO/THE/CONFIG/FILE'

The default value of -c is ./config.json

Get all testcases from website

  • This part was written by TimerChen
  • The download.sh only test on Ubuntu with python3.6, which could not work on other environments.

Download all cases

In ./TestCases directory, use python3 download.py to get all testcases.

Download cases you need

Modify the ./TestCases/download.py file, and change the varaiable last_test_log to the website of your last submission.

Like: last_test_log = 'http://blacko.cn:6002/Compiler/build/2161'

Then it will only download what you need to test.