Java bindings for the SCIP optimization library

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


JNA_SCIP is a set of Java bindings and wrappers to the SCIP library , for Solving Constraint Integer Programs. In this way it fills a similar role to JSCIPOpt, with the differences that JNA_SCIP aims to offer coverage of a much larger fraction of the API, and that the initial author of JNA_SCIP was unaware of JSCIPOpt when initially developing it. :) JNA_SCIP uses JNA for mapping native calls, as opposed to SWIG. It's possible but unlikely this difference matters to you.

In particular, JNA_SCIP offers support for custom constraint handlers, heuristics, message handlers, and problem or variable callbacks. In our view, these are the key things that take SCIP beyond a simple MILP solver into an interactive optimization plugin framework.


If you want to learn how to use JNA_SCIP, your best bet will be the examples folder. There a few different styles to using JNA_SCIP, depending if you want to keep your code closer to C or write more in a Java style. To give a brief idea:

SCIP scip = SCIP.create();

SCIP_VAR x = scip.createVarBasic("x", 0, 1.0, -40.0, SCIP_VARTYPE.INTEGER);

SCIP_VAR y = scip.createVarBasic("y", 0, 5.0, -30.0, SCIP_VARTYPE.CONTINUOUS);

SCIP_CONS cons_1 = scip.createConsBasicLinear("cons1", new SCIP_VAR[]{x,y}, new double[]{1,3}, 0, 12);

To use JNA_SCIP, you'll need to add JNA libraries to your class path, and you'll need libscip.so where JNA can find it. Your working directory should work, but you can also set the system property jna.library.path, or a few other options listed here.


JNA_SCIP currently has 5 example programs:

  • Simple_MILP, which solves a two-variable MILP.
  • Queens, a translation of SCIP's n-Queens problem.
    • Queens_C is a 1-to-1 translation of the C.
    • Queens_Obj is showing how to refer to variable names in a somewhat more Java way.
  • Heuristic, which shows how to implement a SCIP_HEUR callback.
  • Conshdlr, which shows how to implement a constraint handler callback.
    • Conshdlr_Manual gives the callbacks to SCIP directly.
    • Conshdlr_Obj uses JNA_SCIP's helper classes (ConstraintHandler) to make the management easier.
  • LOP, a translation of SCIP's Linear Ordering Problem solver. It includes a constraint handler and a problem reader, and uses JNA_SCIP's ConstraintHandler structures.

How to find a function

Alright, you have a SCIP function with a certain name, and you want to know how to use it in JNA_SCIP. Starting with a name SCIPxxxx, the rules are:

  1. Is your function's first argument not a "SCIP object", like SCIP* or SCIP_VAR*? Such as SCIPmessagePrintError(char* fmt, args..) which starts with a plain-old string, or the no-arg SCIPmessageSetErrorPrintingDefault(). You can find these (with the SCIP dropped from the name) in JSCIP, for example, JSCIP.messageSetErrorPrintingDefault().
  2. Otherwise, your function will be accessible as a member function of that type:
  3. If the original function was SCIPxxx(obj, args..), you'll find a member function named obj.xxx(args..).
  4. One exception is if the object's type starts the name of the method, in which case it is dropped. For example, SCIPvarGetName(SCIP_VAR v) becomes v.getName(), not v.varGetName() (because that method name would be silly).
  5. If your function isn't there, check that it's actually implemented -- many things still are not! You can search the repo for the full method name and if there's no hits then we haven't yet. Feel free to raise an issue (or better a pull request).

If this doesn't answer your questions, you can read the next section, which goes into more details of the C translation.

Translating from C

Below offers details on various things have been translated from the C API. Ideally most things can be found by simply grepping JNA_SCIP for the desired method name or looking at a couple of the examples; but if you're doing something more intricate or looking to contribute, please keep reading.

API Calls

Methods are generally available in a few ways of varying friendliness. This is so that you can access C-style APIs if desired, but usually write cleaner Java code. All of the C API calls are given in the class JSCIP, and have names that start with "SCIP", e.g. SCIPprintOrigProblem. These are non-static methods of the interface, and call be called via the JSCIP.LIB object, e.g. JSCIP.LIB.SCIPprintOrigProblem.

Many of these SCIPxx methods have a return type SCIP_RETCODE, which corresponds to the SCIP_RETCODE in the C API. It is standard practice in using SCIP to wrap these methods in a SCIP_CALL( ) macro, which checks the retcode. For this purpose, JNA_SCIP offers methods like CALL_SCIPprintOrigProblem, which checks the retcode, throws an exception if needed, and otherwise return void. These are static and call be called as JSCIP.CALL_SCIPprintOrigProblem. These also take care of mapping pointers to pointers for you. For instance, the C method SCIPincludeHeurBasic takes a SCIP_HEUR** as its second argument, which then gets overwritten with the newly created SCIP_HEUR* as a form of returned value. In Java this means that SCIPincludeHeurBasic takes a PointerByReference as its second argument. The cleaner CALL_SCIPincludeHeurBasic instead takes a SCIP_HEUR as its second argument and sets the pointer inside to point to the new instance. As another example, SCIPconstructLP takes a bool* which it uses to return a success value separate from the SCIP_RETCODE it returns directly.

Further, many methods have a simpler name with no prefixes, and that will take care of several kinds of extra type mapping for you. Sometimes the change is trivial, for example JSCIP.warningMessage simply forwards all arguments to JSCIP.LIB.SCIPwarningMessage -- and since SCIPwarningMessage doesn't return a SCIP_RETCODE, that's all that happens. JSCIP.getSols takes the raw pointer from JSCIP.LIB.SCIPgetSols, allocates an appropriately-sized array, and returns a SCIP_SOL[]. Most methods that create a new object (like SCIPcreateVarBasic, SCIPincludeHeurBasic) have a simplified name (createVarBasic, includeHeurBasic) that return the new object. For example, CALL_SCIPincludeHeurBasic on its own will set a caller-provided SCIP_HEUR to point to the new object, and returns void, while includeHeurBasic constructs, creates and returns a new SCIP_HEUR for you.

Finally, most methods are associated to some object, whichever is their first argument. For instance, since the first argument of JSCIP.CALL_SCIPflushRowExtensions(SCIP scip, SCIP_ROW row) is SCIP, you can instead call scip.flushRowExtensions(row) on any SCIP object scip. A significant fraction of the time, getters and setters on an object start with the name of the object, in which case these are dropped. For instance, SCIPvarGetStatus becomes var.getStatus on a SCIP_VAR var, and SCIPconsIsChecked becomes cons.isChecked on SCIP_CONS cons. Most methods in the SCIP library take a SCIP object as their first argument, so most methods are available on SCIP objects. Only a handful of methods can only be called through the JSCIP index, such as JSCIP.messagePrintError(String fmt, Object... vals).


The majority of enums in the C library have names of the form SCIP_enumtype_value, for example the type SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE includes SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING and SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_CONSINFER. In Java, each enum is its own type, and the prefix is dropped: the SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE enum has fields BRANCHING and CONSINFER. In practice this means that translating from C means replacing one underscore with a period: SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE.BRANCHING.

A couple notable exceptions are SCIP_RETCODE, SCIP_SETTING, and SCIP_RESULT which use the same names as in C, e.g. SCIP_OKAY, SCIP_DIDNONTRUN. The enum SCIP_PROPTIMING, which was made for bitwise masking, has all 16 values defined: SCIP_PROPTIMING.BEFORELP_DURINGLPLOOP or SCIP_PROPTIMING.ALWAYS for example. SCIP_HEURTIMING would require 2048 combinations to list all combinations, so instead the 15 recommended combinations are given and other can be combined by manually choosing bits (e.g. SCIP_HEURTIMING.of(0x3571)).


Callback types are all defined in the SCIP_DECL_* classes. Any method can be provided that matches the functional signature, but beware of using Java lambdas: calling SCIPsetSomeCallback(scip, (x,y) -> foo(x)) will lead to crashes! The lambda is created, mapped to a trampoline that C can call, and then when the SCIP call returns Java sees no lingering references to the lambda and frees it. When SCIP later tried to call your callback, it will land on zeroed out memory. For this reason, you must save any lambdas you create in a place where they will last until SCIP is done with them.

Of course, you're also free to not use lambdas, and define actual objects implementing your SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP and so on. But beware that one object should not implement more than one callback method: JNA is, unfortunately, unable to distinguish which callback SCIP is asking for, so if one class implements both SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP and SCIP_DECL_CONSCHECK, SCIP will always call SCIP_DECL_CONSENFOLP, regardless of which type it's passed as.

JNA_SCIP offers the ConstraintHandler class to handle most of these details, and let you write sane callbacks. A worked example is given in Conshdlr_Obj, while Conshdlr_Manual shows the manual way using native C types.

File Pointers

Several SCIP functions take (or return) file pointers, FILE*. On most systems these are actually pointers to integer file descriptors. JNA_SCIP offers the FILEPTR named pointer type for using these while avoiding type confusion. You can always provide null to Java functions that take a FILEPTR, and this will refer to printing to standard out. If you need SCIP to print somewhere else, you will need to use some platform-specific native libraries to open streams, or you can use SCIPfopen to open a file.