Meme Generator Project


Meme Generator an Udacity Intermediate Python Project. Build a python application to generate random memes from user inputs through the command line and web interface. Inputs: - quote - author - image.

Getting Started

Flask Web Interface

  • Clone the repo git clone
  • Create a virtual environment with python -m venv 'nameofvirtualenvironment'
  • Activate your virtual environment with source venv/Scripts/activate
  • install the dependencies in the requirements.txt file with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run python or flask run on the terminal.
  • Follow the link generated.

Command Line Interface

  • Run python on the terminal, and pass the optional CLI arguments below: --body: string quote body --author: string quote author --path: path to image file eg: python --path [PATH to image] --body[BODY] --author[AUTHOR]

Happy Hacking