
Makin’ it easy to connect to a headless Crashplan server

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Automates local config file update and port forward for connecting to a headless Crashplan server.

"dullaplan" is a portmanteau of Dullahan and Crashplan.

What it Does

  1. Updates local config file so that the Crashplan GUI application connects to the remote server via port forward instead of the local server
    1. Finds remote config file and extracts authentication token
    2. Backs up local config file
    3. Writes new local config file with remote authentication token and updated port number (to use SSH port forward)
  2. Creates SSH connection with port forward
  3. Restores local config file on exit


  1. Execute dullaplan.sh (example below assumes macOS local and Linux remote):

    1. Example invocation:

      sudo dullaplan.sh backupserver
    2. Example output:

          remote_host:       backupserver
          remote_config:     /var/lib/crashplan/.ui_info
          remote_auth_token: abcdefgh-ijkl-mnop-qrst-uvwxyz012345
          local_config:      /Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/.ui_info
          local_backup:      /Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/.ui_info.bak
      Creating SSH Tunnel...
          Close this connection to revert local config
  2. Open Crashplan application

  3. (Complete the tasks that require the GUI)

  4. Close Crashplan application

  5. Quit dullaplan.sh (ex. ^C) or close the terminal window it was launched in


  1. Install Homebrew — The missing package manager for macOS

  2. Add the TimidRobot "tap" and install dullaplan:

    brew tap TimidRobot/tap
    brew install dullaplan

Alternatively, since dullaplan.sh is a bash script without esoteric dependencies, you can simply download it and ensure it is in your PATH.


  • Crashplan
  • *nix Operating System with
    • core utilities (awk, col, and find)
    • GNU Bourne-Again Shell (bash)
    • OpenSSH (ssh)
    • Sudo (sudo)

