
This is a marketplace for NFTs where users can purchase, sell, and create NFTs. It is a decentralized app built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cyclone NFT MarketPlace


Cyclone NFT MarketPlace is a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace where users can buy, sell, or create NFTs. It is a noncustodial platform, allowing users full control and access to their cryptocurrency wallets. Users interact directly with other users to buy or sell an NFT or a bundle of NFTs.

The problem that Cyclone NFT marketplace solve is the lack of a standardized way to monetize and authenticate digital assets. Before NFTs, digital assets such as art, music, and collectibles could be easily duplicated or copied, making it difficult for creators to prove ownership and monetize their work. With NFTs, creators can assign a unique token to their digital asset, making it one-of-a-kind and easily verifiable as authentic. This allows creators to sell their work as collectibles or unique items, and buyers to own and trade those items as they would physical assets.


Cyclone NFT Pages


This is a marketplace for NFTs where users can purchase, sell, and create NFTs. It is a decentralised app built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Github Link: https://github.com/Timilehin-bello/cycloneNFT

Production Link: https://cyclone-nft.vercel.app


Oluwatimilehin Bello Github Link: https://github.com/Timilehin-bello


My Infura keys has been made available for a while to aid interaction with function. It Would be made Unavailable on a later date. It has also been restricted to limit the amount of data that can be uploaded to ipfs to prevent billing.

How to Install and Run the Project

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/Timilehin-bello/cycloneNFT.git

cd into the Client Folder

cd cycloneNFT

Delete package-lock.json

rm package-lock.json

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start Hardhat node

npx hardhat node

Run the deploy Script

npx hardhat run --network localhost ./scripts/deploy.js

Run the seed Script

npx hardhat run --network localhost ./scripts/seed-nfts.js

Start the development server

npm run dev

Port to Run the Website



  • Ensure you're connected to your localhost network provided by hardhat, the network setup is below

Metamask Setup

  • To Interact with the deploy live link ensure you are using the Mumbai Test Network or Goerli Test Network on your metamask wallet.

Localhost Network Setup

  1. Open metamask and add network.
  2. Network name Localhost
  3. New RPC URL
  4. Chain ID 31337
  5. Currency symbol ETH

Polygon Mumbai Network Setup

  1. Open metamask and add network.
  2. Network name Polygon Mumbai Testnet
  3. New RPC URL https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/
  4. Chain ID 80001
  5. Currency symbol MATIC

The Contract

The smart contract was deployed at:


With this address:




MarketItem: This stores information about the market items, including the tokenId, seller, owner, price and sold value.


idToMarketItem: This mapping stores all the MarketItem using their tokenId as the key.


_tokenIds: Stores the market Item Id

_itemsSold: Stores the number of Sold item in the Market

listingPrice: This variable stores the listing Price.

owner: stores the owner adress.


updateListingPrice: Updates the listing price of the contract .

getListingPrice: Returns the listing price of the contract.

createMarketItemToken: Mints a token and lists it in the marketplace.

resellToken: Allows someone to resell a token they have purchased.

createMarketSale: Creates the sale of a marketplace item and transfers ownership of the item, as well as funds between parties.

fetchMarketItems: Returns all unsold market items .

fetchMyNFTs: Returns only items that a user has purchased .

fetchItemsListed: Returns only items a user has listed.


onlyOwner: The modifier indicates only owner of the marketplace can change the listing price


MarketItemCreated: it stores the market item passed in transaction logs when emitted. MarketItemSold: it stores the market item that has been sold passed in transaction logs when emitted. MarketItemResold: it stores the market item that has been resold passed in transaction logs when emitted. MarketItemCreated: it stores the market item that has been created passed in transaction logs when emitted.


  • @openzeppelin/contracts: A library of modular, reusable, secure smart contracts for the Ethereum network, written in Solidity.

  • axios: A simple promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.

  • dotenv: A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.

  • ether: A compact JavaScript library with full functionality for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.

  • http-proxy-middleware: It stands between the sender and the recipient and can also modify an incoming request before it's eventual handler receives it.

  • ipfs-http-client: A JavaScript client for talking to a js-ipfs node.

  • next: it's a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications.

  • react: it implement a render() method that takes input data and returns what to display

  • react-dom: it provides DOM specific methods that can be used at the top level of a web app to enable an efficient way of managing DOM elements of the web page

  • react-dropzone: It's an HTML5-compliant React component for handling the dragging and dropping of files.

  • react-icons: It helps you add icons (from all different icon libraries) to your React apps. It delivers the icons to your app as components so they're easier to work with, and it lets you style them so they're consistent with the overall style of your app.

  • web3modal: It's an easy-to-use library to help developers add support for multiple providers in their apps with a simple customizable configuration.

Dev Dependencies

  • @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox: It bundles all the commonly used packages and Hardhat plugins for development in Hardhat.
  • hardhat: A development environment that helps in testing, compiling, deploying, and debugging dApps on the Ethereum blockchain.


This project is licensed under MIT