
This is my solution for the Final Assignment task provided by Auriol Degbelo and Holger Fritze as part of the Geosoftware I class of the 2016 Summer Term at IfGI WWU Münster.

The task was to create a dynamic webapp with the theme of the 2016 Olympic Games of Rio de Janeiro. The webapp contains a leaflet OSM map and functionalities to describe, save and load venues for said Olympic Games. A user may place markers on the map to mark entrance and parking spots for a venue, draw approximate outlines as a polygone and save descriptions for the venue. Editing and deleting is also possible, as well as recentering the map on a venue.

The webapp was created using:

JavaScript with jQuery, Leaflet and a number of related frameworks, such as Leaflet Draw and the Mapzen enhanced Leaflet Routing Machine, CSS (mostly however achieved with Bootstrap) and HTML5 for the front-end,

a node.js server with express, and mongoDB, connected via Mongoose framework, at the back-end.