Table of contents

General info

This project is simple Lorem ipsum dolor generator.


Project is created with:

  • Aptos Move version: 2.0.2




In order to efficiently version the code you have to use git version control system. Please install git by following instructions under this link.

Aptos Move CLI

This project is written in Move, in order to compile and test the project you need to have Aptos Move CLI installed. Install it by following instructions under this link.

To compile this project use the following command:

$ aptos move compile

In order to run all the tests, use:

$ aptos move test


The goal of this project is to create a coinflip game described in Heads Up Overmind page. To do that, follow TODOs that are all over the coin_flip.move file. If you need any help with using Move, refer to Aptos Move Book