
Liquor Store a mobile app to buy liquors and get it delivered to you

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Brew Liquor Store

Brew is an Ecommerce liquor store where people can searh and purchase for any liqour of their choice, it has a login functionality, map functionality and payment fumctionality with stripe.. Live demo here.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Javascript
  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Firebase


List the ready features here:

  • Users can select from a category of liquor of their choice
  • Users can SignUp/ LogIn to the site
  • Users can save liquors in cart


Example screenshot

Project Status

Project is: in progress.

Room for Improvement

Room for improvement:

  • The user Registration Process

To do:

  • A map feature needs to be added
  • The payment platforms needs to be embeded to the site


Give credit here.

  • This project was designed by Arpit Chandak


Created with by ❤️ @Dahunsi_Timmy - feel free to contact me!