
Middleware that can be used for using Content Security Policy headers

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Very simple middleware project that can be used to inject a Content-Security-Policy into the response header. It supports al the *-src options for CSP Level 1, 2 and 3. See the following LINK for more information.

The project is build in .NET CORE 3.1. It also contains two example projects. Those projects are Configured in .NET 5 and .NET 6.

Supported Content-Security-Policy options

CSP Directive Description CSP Level Supported
default-src Defines the default policy for fetching resources such as JavaScript, Images, CSS, Fonts, AJAX requests, Frames, HTML5 Media. 1
script-src Defines valid sources of JavaScript. 1
style-src Defines valid sources of stylesheets or CSS. 1
img-src Defines valid sources of images. 1
connect-src Applies to XMLHttpRequest (AJAX), WebSocket, fetch(), or EventSource. If not allowed the browser emulates a 400 HTTP status code. 1
font-src Defines valid sources of font resources (loaded via @font-face). 1
object-src Defines valid sources of plugins, eg , or . 1
media-src Defines valid sources of audio and video, eg HTML5 , 1
frame-src efines valid sources for loading frames. In CSP Level 2 frame-src was deprecated in favor of the child-src directive. CSP Level 3, has undeprecated frame-src and it will continue to defer to child-src if not present. 1
sandbox Enables a sandbox for the requested resource similar to the iframe sandbox attribute. The sandbox applies a same origin policy, prevents popups, plugins and script execution is blocked. You can keep the sandbox value empty to keep all restrictions in place, or add values: allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups, allow-modals, allow-orientation-lock, allow-pointer-lock, allow-presentation, allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox, and allow-top-navigation 1
report-uri Instructs the browser to POST a reports of policy failures to this URI. You can also use Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only as the HTTP header name to instruct the browser to only send reports (does not block anything). This directive is deprecated in CSP Level 3 in favor of the report-to directive. 1
child-src Defines valid sources for web workers and nested browsing contexts loaded using elements such as and <iframe> 2
form-action Defines valid sources that can be used as an HTML action. 2
frame-ancestors Defines valid sources for embedding the resource using <iframe> . Setting this directive to 'none' should be roughly equivalent to X-Frame-Options: DENY 2
plugin-types Defines valid MIME types for plugins invoked via and . To load an you must specify application/x-java-applet. 2
base-uri Defines a set of allowed URLs which can be used in the src attribute of a HTML base tag. 2
report-to Defines a reporting group name defined by a Report-To HTTP response header. See the Reporting API for more info. 3
worker-src Restricts the URLs which may be loaded as a Worker, SharedWorker or ServiceWorker. 3
manifest-src Restricts the URLs that application manifests can be loaded. 3
prefetch-src Defines valid sources for request prefetch and prerendering, for example via the link tag with rel="prefetch" or rel="prerender": 3
navigate-to Restricts the URLs that the document may navigate to by any means. For example when a link is clicked, a form is submitted, or window.location is invoked. If form-action is present then this directive is ignored for form submissions. 3


You can use this middleware by calling 'UseContentSecurityPolicyHeaderMiddelware' on the Startup file of your ASP.NET project

` app.UseContentSecurityPolicyHeaderMiddelware(builder => { #region CSP Level 1 //Level1 is always enabled! builder.Defaults .AllowSelf();









            #region CSP Level 2
            builder.EnableLevel2 = true;


            #region CSP Level 3
            builder.EnableLevel3 = true;


