- OS-builder: the OS images used e.g. in CI, when building for the given OS (e.g. slc7 for CentOS 7)
- mesos-base: basic mesos installation.
- mesos-slave: a self contained Mesos Slave instance
- mesos-master: a self contained Mesos Master instance
- elasticsearch: a customized elasticsearch instance with HEAD and Marvel plugins installed.
Newer images have a packer.json
file, which allows them to be built using
Hashicorp packer. This has the nice advantage that we
can customize and upload the images in one go. To build them:
brew install packer # > 0.10.0
cd <image-name>
packer build packer.json
If you don't want to upload the finished image to DockerHub (e.g. if you're just
testing changes to the image, or you don't have the rights to upload), remove
the "docker-push"
entry from "post-processors"
in the packer.json
using. (JSON doesn't allow trailing commas in arrays, so don't forget to remove
the comma as well!)
Older images without a packer.json
can be built with:
docker build -t alisw/<image-name> <image-name>