This was a partner project in which we learned about the details, advantages, and disadvantages of using trees as data structures. We learned about how to qualify trees as well as how to traverse them. Throughout the project, we implemented binary, binary search, AVL, and Max Binary Heap trees.
- binary_tree_print.c: C function that prints binary trees in a pretty way.
- binary_trees.h: Header file containing definitions and prototypes for all types and functions written for the project.
Data Structures
struct binary_tree_s
int n;
struct binary_tree_s *parent;
struct binary_tree_s *left;
struct binary_tree_s *right;
typedef struct binary_tree_s binary_tree_t;
typedef struct binary_tree_s bst_t;
typedef struct binary_tree_s avl_t;
typedef struct binary_tree_s heap_t;
Function Prototypes
File | Prototype |
binary_tree_print.c |
void binary_tree_print(const binary_tree_t *tree) |
0-binary_tree_node.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_node(binary_tree_t *parent, int value); |
1-binary_tree_insert_left.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_insert_left(binary_tree_t *parent, int value); |
2-binary_tree_insert_right.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_insert_right(binary_tree_t *parent, int value); |
3-binary_tree_delete.c |
void binary_tree_delete(binary_tree_t *tree); |
4-binary_tree_is_leaf.c |
int binary_tree_is_leaf(const binary_tree_t *node); |
5-binary_tree_is_root.c |
int binary_tree_is_root(const binary_tree_t *node); |
6-binary_tree_preorder.c |
void binary_tree_preorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int)); |
7-binary_tree_inorder.c |
void binary_tree_inorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int)); |
8-binary_tree_postorder.c |
void binary_tree_postorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int)); |
9-binary_tree_height.c |
size_t binary_tree_height(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
10-binary_tree_depth.c |
size_t binary_tree_depth(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
11-binary_tree_size.c |
size_t binary_tree_size(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
12-binary_tree_leaves.c |
size_t binary_tree_leaves(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
13-binary_tree_nodes.c |
size_t binary_tree_nodes(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
14-binary_tree_balance.c |
int binary_tree_balance(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
15-binary_tree_is_full.c |
int binary_tree_is_full(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
16-binary_tree_is_perfect.c |
int binary_tree_is_perfect(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
17-binary_tree_sibling.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_sibling(binary_tree_t *node); |
18-binary_tree_uncle.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_uncle(binary_tree_t *node); |
100-binary_trees_ancestor.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_trees_ancestor(const binary_tree_t *first, const binary_tree_t *second); |
101-binary_tree_levelorder.c |
void binary_tree_levelorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int)); |
102-binary_tree_is_complete.c |
int binary_tree_is_complete(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_rotate_left(binary_tree_t *tree); |
104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c |
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_rotate_right(binary_tree_t *tree); |
110-binary_tree_is_bst.c |
int binary_tree_is_bst(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
111-bst_insert.c |
bst_t *bst_insert(bst_t **tree, int value); |
112-array_to_bst.c |
bst_t *array_to_bst(int *array, size_t size); |
113-bst_search.c |
bst_t *bst_search(const bst_t *tree, int value); |
114-bst_remove.c |
bst_t *bst_remove(bst_t *root, int value); |
120-binary_tree_is_avl.c |
int binary_tree_is_avl(const binary_tree_t *tree); |
121-avl_insert.c |
avl_t *avl_insert(avl_t **tree, int value); |
122-array_to_avl.c |
avl_t *array_to_avl(int *array, size_t size); |
0. New node
- 0-binary_tree_node.c: C function that creates a binary tree node with a given parent and value.
- Returns a pointer to the new node, or
on failure.
1. Insert left
- 1-binary_tree_insert: C function that inserts a node as the left-child of another.
- Returns a pointer to the new node, or
on failure. - If the given
already contains a left node, the new node takes its place and the old left-child becomes the left-child of the new node.
2. Insert right
- 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c: C function that inserts a node as the right-child of another.
- Returns a pointer to the new node, or
on failure. - If the given
already contains a right node, the new node takes its place and the old right-child becomes the right-child of the new node.
3. Delete
- 3-binary_tree_delete.c: C function that deletes an entire binary tree.
4. Is leaf
- 4-binary_tree_is_leaf.c: C function that checks if a given node is a leaf.
- Returns
if the node is a leaf,0
5. Is root
- 5-binary_tree_is_root.c: C function that checks if a given node is a root.
- Returns
if the node is a root,0
6. Pre-order traversal
- 6-binary_tree_preorder.c: C function that traverses a tree using pre-order traversal.
7. In-order traversal
- 7-binary_tree_inorder.c: C function that traverses a tree using in-order traversal.
8. Post-order traversal
- 8-binary_tree_postorder.c: C function that traverses a tree using post-order traversal.
9. Height
- 9-binary_tree_height.c: C function that returns the height of a binary tree.
10. Depth
- 10-binary_tree_depth.c: C function that returns the depth of a given node in a binary tree.
11. Size
- 11-binary_tree_size.c: C function that returns the size of a binary tree.
12. Leaves
- 12-binary_tree_leaves.c: C function that returns the number of leaves in a binary tree.
13. Nodes
- 13-binary_tree_nodes.c: C function that returns the number of nodes in a binary tree with at least one child.
14. Balance factor
- 14-binary_tree_balance.c: C function that returns the balance factor of a binary tree.
15. Is full
- 15-binary_tree_is_full.c: C function that checks if a binary tree is full.
- Returns
if a tree is full,0
16. Is perfect
- 16-binary_tree_is_perfect.c: C function that checks if a binary tree is perfect.
- Returns
if a tree is perfect,0
17. Sibling
- 17-binary_tree_sibling.c: C function that returns a pointer to the sibling of a given node in a binary tree.
- Returns
if no sibling is found.
18. Uncle
- 18-binary_tree_uncle.c: C function that returns a pointer to the uncle of a given node in a binary tree.
- Returns
if no uncle is found.
19. Lowest common ancestor
- 100-binary_trees_ancestor.c: C function that returns a pointer to the lowest common ancestor node of two given nodes in a binary tree.
- Returns
if no common ancestor is found.
20. Level-order traversal
- 101-binary_tree_levelorder.c: C function that traverses a binary tree using level-order traversal.
21. Is complete
- 102-binary_tree_is_complete.c: C function that checks if a binary tree is complete.
- Returns
if the tree is complete,0
22. Rotate left
- 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c: C function that performs a left-rotation on a binary tree.
- Returns a pointer to the new root node of the tree after rotation.
23. Rotate right
- 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c: C function that performs a right-rotation on a binary tree.
- Returns a pointer to the new root node of the tree after rotation.
24. Is BST
- 110-binary_tree_is_bst.c: C function that checks if a binary tree is a valid binary search tree.
- Returns
if the tree is a valid BST,0
25. BST - Insert
- 111-bst_insert.c: C function that inserts a value into a binary search tree.
- Returns a pointer to the new node, or
on failure. - If the tree is
, the value becomes the root node. - The value is ignored if it is already present in the tree.
26. BST - Array to BST
- 112-array_to_bst.c: C function that builds a binary search tree from an array.
- Returns a pointer to the root node of the created tree, or
on failure.
27. BST - Search
- 113-bst_search.c: C function that searches for a value in a binary search tree.
- If the value is matched in the BST, returns a pointer to the matched node.
- Otherwise, returns
28. BST - Remove
- 114-bst_remove.c: C function that removes a node from a binary search tree.
- Returns a pointer to the new root node of the tree after deletion.
- If the node to be deleted has two children, it is replaced with its first in-order successor.
29. Big O #BST
- 115-O: Text file containing the average time complexities of
binary search tree operations (one answer per line):
- Inserting the value
. - Removing the node with the value
. - Searching for a node in a BST of size
- Inserting the value
- 115-O: Text file containing the average time complexities of
binary search tree operations (one answer per line):
30. Is AVL
- 120-binary_tree_is_avl.c: C function that checks if a binary tree is a valid AVL tree.
- If the tree is a valid AVL tree, returns
. - Otherwise, returns
31. AVL - Insert
- 121-avl_insert.c: C function that inserts a value in an AVL tree.
- Returns a value to the inserted node, or
on failure.
32. AVL - Array to AVL
- 122-array_to_avl.c: C function that builds an AVL tree from an array.
- Returns a pointer to the root node of the created AVL tree, or
on failure. - Ignores duplicate values.
35. Big O #AVL Tree
- 125-O: Text file containing the average time complexities of AVL tree
opeartions (one answer per line):
- Inserting the value
. - Removing the node with the value
. - Searching for a node in an AVL tree of size
- Inserting the value
- 125-O: Text file containing the average time complexities of AVL tree
opeartions (one answer per line):
41. Big O #Binary Heap
- 135-O: Text file containing the average time complexities of
binary heap opeartions (one answer per line):
- Inserting the value
. - Extracting the root node.
- Searching for a node in a binary heap of size
- Inserting the value
- 135-O: Text file containing the average time complexities of
binary heap opeartions (one answer per line):
- Bryson Nyamwange <brysonwaisi>
- Nelly Maina <Nellymaina>