Inducing a more data-driven decision making in a café environment.
Cafés are typically small businesses, most café owners, own only a few cafés with little knowledge and resources for inducing data-driven decisions. This project would help a particular café extract it’s data from various systems and collect it in a dashboard to easily investigate when making key changes in the business. The main goal of which is to help the café get a better overview of their operation while also providing future insights through forecasting that help them make critical decisions looking forward.
Data from the café
Potential interviews or other qualitative input
Review data from various websites
Cloud_cover - (0-100%)
Humidity - (0-100%)
Precip_dur_past1h - (0-60 min)
Precip_past1h - (precip in mm)
Pressure - (some missing data / different methods of measurements)
Temp_dew - (degrees c - suppose it is a measure of humidity, but not sure)
Temp_dry - (degrees c - “air temperature”- some way of disregarding humidity’s effect on the temperature(?))
Temp_max_past1h - (degrees c)
Temp_mean_past1h - (degrees c)
Temp_min_past1h - (degrees c)
Wind_dir - (in degrees (0-360) - maybe transform to categorical variable)
Wind_max_per10min_past1h - (m/s)
Wind_speed - (m/s)
Wind_speed_past1h - (m/s)
Weather (no idea to be honest, values go from 100-185)
Temp_max_past_12h (degrees c, measured at 6:00 and 18:00)
Temp_min_past 12h (degrees c, measured at 6:00 and 18:00)
Wind_min_past1h (m/s)
Timon Florian Godt, Morten Hamburger, Daniel Bolander, Piratheban Rajasekaran