
A University project implementing a library to manipulate graphs in C

Primary LanguageC

Graph Library

Linked lists and Graph library implementation in C. University project developed by Thibault BERTIN and Timothée LAURENT as part of the Graph Theory course (1st year of Master's degree) at the Université de Franche-Comté.

This project allows you to create and manipulate graphs through a command line menu. Thanks to this, you will be able to create or load a graph (directed or not) from a file, add nodes and edges to it and save it. You will also be able to compute the maximum flow of a directed weighted graph using the Ford-Fulkerson method with three different heuristics:

  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Shortest path (Floyd-Warshall)


To use this project, place yourself in the root directory of the project (where this README should normally be located) and open a terminal. To build the project, type the command make. To launch the project, type./BIN/main.

Alternatively, we created a very basic shell script to build and launch the project. You can use it by typing ./build.sh. You will however need to type the command chmod +x build.sh before using it for the first time.

Load graph

To load a graph from a file, you will need to respect the following format:

# maximum number of nodes
# directed
# node: neighbours
1: (4/5), (7/1), (3/2)
2: (5/4), (7/8)
3: (1/2), (6/8)
4: (7/3), (1/5), (6/5)
5: (2/4), (8/2)
6: (4/5), (3/8)
7: (2/8), (4/3), (1/1)
8: (5/2)

Lines starting with the character # will be considered to be comments and will be ignored. Please respect this format accurately.

Project architecture

| |-menu.h
| |-list.h
| |-graph.h
| |-menu.c
| |-list.c
| |-graph.c
| |-main.c
| |-classicGraph
| |-circleRight
| |-circleRightLeft

INCLUDE/ contains the header files for the three libraries implemented.

LIB/ contains the source files of those libraries:

  • list implements the Neighbour data structure (simple linked list) ;
  • graph implements the Graph data structure ;
  • menu implements the functions used to create a menu to manipulate a graph.

OBJ/ contains the .o files created for the different libraries. The .a files are placed directly in the root directory of the project.

SRC/ contains the source file of the main program.

BIN/ contains main.

SAVES/ contains example graphs. This folder can be used to store graphs and graphs are saved there by default.

Makefile and build.sh are used to build this program.