

Clone this repository

Clone this repository to your switch.

Write p4 code

Write p4 code in haha.p4.

Compile and run p4 code

$ ./all.sh

Then you will enter the bf CLI.

bfshell> ucli
bf-sde> pm
bf-sde> port-add -/- 40G NONE
bf-sde> port-enb -/-
bf-sde> show # Check the port status

Then persist the CLI session and open another terminal (or you may run all.sh in tmux or screen).

  • **NOTE: ** If port-add or port-enb f*ckingly fails with a single prompt Usage: port-add <port-str> <(40G, ...)> <xxx(NONE, ...)>, please wait for several minutes and try again and again, it may f*ckingly work. I don't know why, but it works for me. If you know why, please tell me. Thanks.

Add table entries

In another terminal, modify the folloing code in test.py:

ips = (
ports = (

Add all IP addresses you want to forward and allocate a port for each IP address.

Then run:

$ cd $SDE
$ ./run_p4_tests.sh -p haha -t <path_to_this_directory>

Config IP addresses and MAC addresses

On each host, run:

$ sudo ip addr add <ip_address>/<len> dev <interface_name>

Then run:

$ sudo arp -s <ip_address> <mac_address>

where ip_address and mac_address are the IP address and MAC address of other hosts. Do it for all hosts.

Then you can ping each other. Enjoy it! :D