
Chat app using laravel, vue, pusher

Primary LanguagePHP


  • update .env file with the right pusher keys and also change broadcast driver from log to "pusher" around line 16 of env
  • Then do "composer require pusher/pusher-php-server"
  • Uncomment the "App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class" from config/app.php
  • Now make an event. I made "ChatEvent" event
  • Now npm install pusher and laravel echo for your vue "npm install --save laravel-echo pusher-js "
  • Now configure laravel echo to use pusher in bootstrap.js
  • Now make your laravel authentication, configure your DB and run migrate
  • Make message model and migration table
  • Make Chat Controller and routes to get all message, and send message.
  • Make Vue "chat.vue"
  • in Chat Controller, broadcast the chat event once a message is sent (i.e in function sendMessage)
  • also in routes/channels.php add the snippet of code to allow the authenticated User listen on that channel
  • Listen to the event fired in Chat.vue and display that's all.

Oh and also don't forget to add meta tag for CSRF in the php file housing the chat component. mine is in "chat/index.blade.php"