
Java test driven development exercise.

Primary LanguageJava

Test Driven Development

Contains two exercises:

Standalone Test driven development exercise utilising JUnit provided by trainer. (Question)

Test driven development exercise found on QA community. (Email)

Questions Exercise

  1. multiChar

    Given a string, return a string where for every char in the original string, there are three chars.

    For Example:

    • multChar("The") → "TTThhheee"
    • multChar("AAbb") → "AAAAAAbbbbbb"
    • multChar("Hi-There") → "HHHiii---TTThhheeerrreee"
  2. sandwichFilling

    Return the string (backwards) that is between the first and last appearance
    of "bread" in the given string, or return the empty string "" if there is not
    2 occurances of "bread". Ignore Case.

    For Example:

    • sandwichFilling("breadclivebread") → "evilc"
    • sandwichFilling("xxbreadfridgebreadyy") → "egdirf"
    • sandwichFilling("xxBreadfridgeBReAdyy") → "egdirf"
    • sandwichFilling("xxbreadyy") → "" sandwichFilling("xxbreADyy") → "" HINT: "a" == "a" if false HINT: "a".equals("a") is true
  3. evenlySpaced

    Given three ints, a b c, one of them is small, one is medium and one is
    large. Return true if the three values are evenly spaced, so the difference
    between small and medium is the same as the difference between medium and
    large. Do not assume the ints will come to you in a reasonable order.

    For Example:

    • evenlySpaced(2, 4, 6) → true
    • evenlySpaced(4, 6, 2) → true
    • evenlySpaced(4, 6, 3) → false
    • evenlySpaced(4, 60, 9) → false
  4. nMid

    Given a string and an int n, return a string that removes n letters from the'middle' of the string. The string length will be at least n. The input string will have an odd number of letters. n will always be an odd number.

    For Example:

    • nMid("Hello", 3) → "Ho"
    • nMid("Chocolate", 3) → "Choate"
    • nMid("Chocolate", 1) → "Choclate"
  5. endsJava

    Given a string, return the boolean True if it ends in "java" and False if does not end in "java". Ignore Case.

    For Example:

    • endsJava("ilovejava") → true
    • endsJava("iloveJaVa") → true
    • endsJava("welovejava") → true
    • endsJava("welovejavamoreeveryday") → false
    • endsJava("javaiscool") → false
    • endsJava("pythoniscool") → false
  6. superBlock

    Given a string, return the length of the largest "block" in the string. A block is a run of adjacent chars that are the same, do not ignore case.

    For Example:

    • superBlock("hooopplla") → 3
    • superBlock("abbCCCddDDDDeeEEE") → 4
    • superBlock("abbCCCCC")) → 5
    • superBlock("") → 0

    HINT: "a" == "a" if false HINT: "a".equals("a") is true

  7. amISearch

    Given a string - return the number of times "am" appears in the String ignoring case - BUT ONLY WHEN the word "am" appears without being followed or preceded by other letters.

    For Example:

    • amISearch("Am I in Amsterdam") → 1
    • amISearch("I am in Amsterdam am I?") → 2
    • amISearch("I have been in Amsterdam") → 0 HINT: String.toLowerCase
  8. fizzBuzz

    Given a number if this number is divisible by 3 return "fizz" if this number is divisible by 5 return "buzz" if this number is divisible by both 3 and 5 return "fizzbuzz" if this number is not divisible by 3 or 5 return null.

    For Example:

    fizzBuzz(3) → "fizz"

    fizzBuzz(10) → "buzz"

    fizzBuzz(15) → "fizzbuzz"

    fizzBuzz(8) → null

  9. largest

    Given a string, split the string into the individual numbers present then add each digit of each number to get a final value for each number.

    String example = "55 72 86" "55" will = the integer 10 "72" will = the integer 9 "86" will = the integer 14 You then need to return the highest vale

    For Example:

    • largest("55 72 86") → 14
    • largest("15 72 80 164") → 11
    • largest("555 72 86 45 10") → 15 HINT: Integer.parseInt
  10. compares

    Given a string, int and a char, return a boolean value if the 'nth' (represented by the int provided) char of the String supplied is the same as the char supplied. The int provided will NOT always be less than than the length of the String. Ignore case and Whitespace.

    For Example:

    • compares("The",2,'h') → true
    • compares("AAbb",1,'b') → false
    • compares("Hi-There",10,'e') → false

    HINT: String.charAt

Test Driven Development Exercise

Using the following test class, write the code needed to fulfill each test class so that it passes. The method should check that the String value passed to it is a valid email address.

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

public class EmailTest {

    private Email email;

    public void setUp() {
        email = new Email();

    public void testIsValidEmailGreenPath() {
        boolean actual = email.isValidEmail("firstName.surname@qa.com");

    public void testIsValidEmailGreenPathDifferentDomainName() {
        boolean actual = email.isValidEmail("firstNameSurname@gmail.com");

    public void testIsValidEmailRedPathDomainTooLong() {
        boolean actual = email.isValidEmail("firstName.surname@qa.helloWorld");

    public void testIsValidEmailRedPathNoAddress() {
        boolean actual = email.isValidEmail("@qa.com");

    public void testIsValidEmailRedPathNoDomainName() {
        boolean actual = email.isValidEmail("firstName.surname@com");

    public void testIsValidEmailRedPathSpecialCharacterAtBeginning() {
        boolean actual = email.isValidEmail("_firstName.surname@qa.com");

    public void testIsValidEmailRedPathSpecialCharacterAtEnd() {
        boolean actual = email.isValidEmail("firstName.surname@qa.com)");